Character:Dariyah Sipal

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This is a PC for the Dresden Files RPG game The Miami Chronicles.

Dariyah Sipal[edit]

Templates: Were-creature
(-1) Beast Change
(-1) Echoes of the Beast (Horse. Enhanced Hearing, +1 to Run or Jump)
(+1) Human Form (easy to change to horse form, but difficult to change back to human)
(-2) Inhuman Strength (not in human form)
(-2) Inhuman Toughness (not in human form)
(+1) Catch (charms against Loa - identifiable by someone with access to accurate occult knowledge)
Adjusted Refresh: 4


High Concept: “Aspiring Actress/Stunt Horse”
Trouble: “Why is it so hard to just be human?”
Background: “Tough it out and take a chance”
Rising Conflict: “Violent, Vengeful Voodoo Cult with a Vendetta.”
First Adventure: “A little bit horse.”
Guest Starring: “”
Guest Starring Redux: “”


Superb (+5): Rapport
Great (+4): Contacts, Empathy, Deceive
Good (+3): Discipline, Performance, Presence
Fair (+2): Athletics, Endurance, Resources
Average (+1): Burglary, Conviction, Fists

Mortal Stunts[edit]

Party Girl (Rapport): You have a natural, friendly way about you that makes people want to talk to you. -2 to all difficulties from interacting with strangers in a party or bar atmosphere.
Stunt Woman (Athletics): You have been trained in doing stunt falls, fights, and rolls. You have 1 Armor against physical impacts, as long as you are intentionally setting yourself up to fall or take the blow.


English (native)


Fate Points: 4


Physical (Human): 
Physical (Horse): 
Social (Human):  
Social (Horse):  



Noteworthy Possessions[edit]




The only daughter of second generation Turkish Armenian immigrants, Dariyah was born and raised in an Armenian community in southern New Jersey. Thoroughly americanized, Dariyah chafed at the heavily religious immigrant's culture and dreamed of running away to the big city for fame and fortune. On the day of her 18th birthday, 3 weeks after graduating high school, Dariyah packed a bag full of clothes, grabbed every dollar she knew her parents had in the house, and caught the first train to New York.

Nine months later, Dariyah was jobless, broke and seriously considering hooking up with a guy she met in the park just to have a place to sleep. It was then that the predators found her. A week later, Dariyah was on a bus south to an exciting new modeling job in Miami, looking forward to finally getting her big break.

Rising Conflict[edit]

There was no modeling job, of course. Ten minutes after meeting her "agent" at a cheap suburban bar, Dariyah was drugged and in the back seat of a car headed for rural florida. Half an hour after that, Dariyah drifted in and out of her drugged stupor as she was lifted to her knees and left slumped over a carved stump. Feeling came back as the knives came out, and the cultists seemed to enjoy her screams too much to gag her as she bled out from her wrists into the hollow of the stump. As she struggled to get free, Dariyah could not see her captors, only the dark black horse on the other side of the stump, watching her with glazed eyes as it's blood flowed from it's throat to mingle with her own.

First Adventure[edit]


Guest Starring[edit]


Guest Starring Redux[edit]


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