Talk:Superhuman Origin

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I think these splats need to be a bit more broad. I'd suggest they be replaced with the following:

Phenotype - The character gained their powers through their unusual biological lineage. This would include mutants/metahumans, aliens, genetic constructs or generally belonging to a different species. Characters who suffered an unusual event that fundamentally altered their body would also qualify. Examples: Kryptonians, Asguardians, The Flash, Spider Man, The Fantastic Four Mechanics: The player chooses the up to 6 powers their type of being is capable of learning. They must start play with at least three dots in their powers. They may not learn powers outside those 6. Each dot of those 6 powers costs one less Exp. The exception to the 'only 6' rule is powers with the Contingent Activation Weakness, when based on an object. Those powers can be learned, but at an increased cost of 1 exp per dot. (Like when Superboy Prime joins the Sinistro Lantern Core, or when Tony Stark builds Spider Man a power suit.)

Alpha - The character is not so much More Than Human as they Peak Human. They possess no true superpowers, but what they are capable of is often pushing the limits of humanity. Examples: Batman, Green Arrow, Flash Gordon Mechanics: The character halves the exp cost of any Enhancement, Equipment or Fighting Style Merit. They reduce the cost of Power Level by one per dot, and may not learn any superpowers. As an exception to the 'no powers' rule, the character may buy powers with the Contingent Activation Weakness, when based on an object, as if they possessed an Extra.

Arcane - The character has gained their powers through a form of secret knowledge, usually sorcery, though knowledge of the supernatural in general might be possible, as would know some sort of secret science. Mystical constructs that possess sentience, such as Golems, would fit here, provided their abilities are predominantly mystical. Examples: Dr. Fate, Dr. Strange Mechanics: The character reduces the cost of all powers marked 'Mystic' or General by one point, and increases the cost of other powers by 1.

Granted - The character's powers come from something. The thing in question might be technological or mystical, physical or not. The character either created the object, found it, or was granted it. Examples: Iron Man, Captain Marvel

Machine - Sentient mechanical constructs and living programs would fall into this category (Sentience is a requirement for being a PC, but knowing it isn't necessarily). Cyborgs are also viable. So long as the character's abilities are predominantly mechanical and not easily separated from the character (ie, they are not worn as equipment) then they belong in this category. Example: Red Tornedo

Each Power would be labled