Young Justice: Season 3/Green Lantern
Changing/Combat Stats[edit]
- Current PP: 2
- Current Stress:
- Physical:
- Mental:
- Emotional:
- Current Trauma:
- XP:
Solo d8, Buddy d6, Team d10
- Young Artist
- Superhero Fanboy
- Will of a Lantern
Power Sets[edit]
Green Lantern Ring[edit]
- Solid Light Mastery d10
- Supersonic Flight d10
- Force Field d10
- Blast d10
- Senses d8
- Telekinesis d8
- SFX: Afflict (Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting Green Lantern Ring complications on a target)
- SFX: Constructs (Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Green Lantern Ring to create assets)
- SFX: Immunity (Life Support) (Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from environmental conditions)
- SFX: Multipower (Use 2 or more Green Lantern Ring powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power)
- SFX: Unleashed (Step up or double any Green Lantern Ring power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the Doom Pool equal to the power's normal rating.)
- SFX: Versatile (Split any Green Lantern Ring power into 2d at -1 step, or 3d at -2 steps)
- SFX: Lantern Database (Spend 1 PP to gain a d8 Expert Specialty for this roll, or to step up a Resource through the end of this Action Scene)
- Limit: Gear (Shutdown Green Lantern Ring and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover)
- Limit: Recharge (Shutdown Green Lantern Ring and gain 1 PP. Recover during a transition scene)
- Combat Expert d8
- Cosmic Expert d8
- Psych Expert d8
Mysterious Origins[edit]
- 1 XP when you discuss the unusual circumstances regarding your becoming a Green Lantern
- 3 XP when you discover a clue as to Guy Gardner's fate
- 10 XP when you either choose to leave the team in order to search for your predecessor, or abandon your search in order to continue with your team
Major-League Fan[edit]
- 1 XP when you talk to a super-hero and discuss their famous exploits
- 3 XP when you aid a more experienced hero during a Transition Scene
- 10 XP when you either realize that you are just like the heroes you idolize, or when you see the faults in your idols and stop putting them on a pedestal
Personal Information[edit]
- Real Name: Kyle Rayner (Secret ID)
- Age: 15
- Designation: B28
- Hometown: New York City