MHR A New Dawn/Characters/Bill

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A Character in MHR A New Dawn, played by Captain Astounding



Solo D6 / Buddy D10 / Team D8


  • Hard Boiled
  • I've Got This!
  • Mother Duck


Duckworld Heritage

Enhanced Reflexes D8 / Enhanced Stamina D8 / Mystical Resistance D8 / Psychic Resistance D6

  • SFX: Fowl-Mouthed. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add d6 and step up emotional stress inflicted.
  • SFX: Quack Fu. Against a single target, step up or double a Combat Master stunt die. Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total.
  • SFX: Can't Make An Omelette. When gaining 1 PP for a rolled opportunity, add an additional d6 to the doom pool to gain 1 additional PP.
  • SFX: Personal Business. Step up or Double Solo affiliation, spend a Plot point to do both. If the action fails add a die to the Doom Pool of the Affiliation's current size.
  • Limit: Wauugh! Step up emotional stress inflicted by extra-dimensional or mystical threats to gain 1 PP.

A.R.M.O.R Tech

Weapon D8 / Enhanced Durability D8 / Leaping D6

  • SFX: Air Supply. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, and complications from airborne substances and suffocation.
  • SFX: Gun Light. Add d6 to the doom pool to ignore darkness-related complications.
  • SFX: What Does This Thing Do? When taking an action including an A.R.M.O.R Tech stunt, step up your existing emotional stress to step up the effect die.
  • Limit: Held Together With Duck Tape. Shutdown an A.R.M.O.R Tech power to gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or participate in a Transition Scene to recover
  • Limit: The Manual's On Another Earth. When using A.R.M.O.R Tech powers rolls of both 1 & 2 count as opportunities.


Combat Master D10 / Vehicles Expert D8 / Mystic Expert D8 / Menace Master D10


Peace By Any Means

  • 1 XP when you threaten someone capable of fighting.
  • 3 XP when you inflict stress on a soldier.
  • 10 XP when you declare your intent to destroy a settlement for its warlike nature, or find a way to disable their ability to make war without attempting mass murder.

Under My Wing

  • 1 XP when you bestow wisdom on someone under your protection.
  • 3 XP when you chastise someone under your protection and discipline them appropriately.
  • 10 XP when you either prepare someone under your protection for your eventual death, or disown them and leave them to their fates.


Bill was born to Howard T. Duck & Beverly Switzer on December 25, 2014, his birth was not the strangest thing Cleveland had seen. Bill's short time in public schools was unsurprisingly hard, and the bullying he suffered hardened him from a young age. One day after returning bloodied and beaten, his father who had enjoyed no success in demanding action from the school started to teach young Bill Quack Fu, he was a prodigy, and soon it was the bullies that were enjoying trips to the hospital. The pressure on the school from the other parents saw Bill expelled, it was through Howard's ties to Franklin Richards that Bill was able to find a place in the Future Foundation education program.

Though he was not an overly scientifically minded child Bill was bright, and he excelled at the more practical lessons given by tutors such as Thing, and he came to regard him as a second father. On the day the villain's struck Bill was the one to lead the other children to safety, he had been an apt pupil in the private piloting lessons Ben had given him, and he loaded up an oversized Fantasticar with children and few it away from New York into Ohio, a place he knew well from camping trips with his family.

When the news came out that Thing had died it broke Bill, his truest symbol of hope that good would prevail had fallen. Though the complete domination of the villains took longer, to Bill the battle ended that day. He led his ragtag and tired group of children into Cleveland in search of his family, only to discover both had died in the battle there. It dawned on Bill that in his idolisation of the FF he had lost sight of the true heroes his parents had been. He raided a hidden cache of his father's A.R.M.O.R technology, and with it, and the talents of his friends they survived the tumultuous new landscape together.

Bill was very much the father figure of the group, he was the one that led their scavenging raids, and brokered their deals for food and supplies. But one by one his friends left him, either to join grand crusades to try and take the world back, or to lucky shots by raiders trying to take what little they had.

Bill grew up in that harsh new world, and it has defined the man he is now.


Bill is a gruff and cynical warrior, forged by a lifetime of hardship and heartbreak. But he learned over the years from some of the finest heroes of a bygone age that one man can make a difference, and that however small, that is it's own reward. He often takes on lost souls and shepherds them through the cruel world, he tells himself that it's merely a matter of keeping their deaths off his conscience, but in truth it's as much because they remind him of his dead childhood friends.