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Revision as of 00:38, 23 May 2014 by (talk)
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Submitted for consideration:

A)Powers with multiple techniques are rather long entries, so;
1) Should these be given a general introduction and a link to there own page?
2) Should they be given a basic technique and then have the others exist as a 'power style:____' merit?
3) Both 2 & 3
4) Be split into separate, lower-level powers?


When exactly should something be considered a power or a piece of equipment?

Several of us are in the process of creating an equipment page for MTH, and there seems to be some discrepancies in thought on the subject. Is Iron Man's suit a Power or is his Power the ability to create such a thing? As written, the Contingent Activation Weakness can be used to allow an object to be present to use the power, and that seems to exist to allow some powers to be part of a power suit/ray gun/whatever. It would seem like that means the power can be stolen by stealing the object, and there are certainly examples of this in comic book stories.

Mechanically though, is this a problem? Do we want players lending powers or killing of characters to steal their power items?

General Discussion

What's this 'type' nonsense? Who's to say that Regeneration has to be 'Tech' or 'Bio' and can't be magical in nature? What if my character has a magical amulet which causes his wounds to heal? You should be able to fluff any power as having any type of origin. Limiting them by type is... well for lack of a better way to put it, it isn't fun. If this is for one particular game, then maybe that person should have their own set of rules rather than impress upon newcomers to the wiki that their characters will have their pick of superpowers limited based on what 'type' of hero they are.