D20 Future: The Abyss

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Basic Game info[edit]

1. D20 Future Rules.
2. Campaign was started in the year 2013.
3. 4 Cast Members (PC's).
4. A table top game that is played weekly on Friday or Saturday night.


1. William Silverton III (PC)
Human/Unknown - A genius mind that obtained a Masters degree in the field of Archeology at the age of 16 years and then obtained his Doctrine a year later. William in his spare time was a professor at Oxford University, where he taught the basics of archeology to aspiring students. William spent sometime in China where he studied the hand to hand combat, and martial arts style of Kung-Fu. William has developed a dark side to his character, and often disregards the feelings lives of others. After an accidental frozen stasis sleep that pushed William ahead into the future to the year of 2130. William managed to accumulate a vast fortune, due this bank account from the year 2010 gaining interesting. Currently William Holds the rank of Captain on his own ship the USS Abyss.
2. "Fynch" (PC/NPC)Human/Bugbear--
3. Alexander Stone "Stone" (PC)
Ogre - A slave gladiator in the year 2133, who lived almost all of his life on the earth's moon participating in the moon's version of "The Fight Club". Stone was on his way to fighting for his freedom, but then was recruited by William to serve as his Chief of Security and First Officer aboard the USS Abyss, holding the rank of Lt Commander. Stone has not really experienced much on life except for what he saw and did on the moon.
4. Q Smith (PC)
Human/Dragon blooded? - A former CIA agent in the year 2133, retired and was forcefully detained until he was convinced to join the crew of the Abyss. Smith has a stern personally and doesn't take "no" as a valid answer. Smith was hired as the chief intelligence office with the rank of LT.
5. Richard Lords (NPC)
Human/Unknown - Has survived a couple of thousands of years, Richard was the dean of the university of Oxford where William taught. Richard was considered to have betrayed William and Fynch after they put their trust him with valued information. Richard has a vast fortune in the 22nd century and owns his own empire with various space exploration
6. Jimmy (NPC)
Human/Bugbear - Adopted brother to Fynch, is a super genius kid, a computer wiz and hacker. You need something computer wise done, call Jimmy. Jimmy traveled with William and Fynch for sometime helping where he could because his life was endanger. Jimmy survived to the 22nd century where he over 120 years old. Jimmy has followed Fynch and joined the crew.
7. Dagmarr W. Krynn (NPC)
Wolfen race - Has survived just as long as Richard Lords, possibly even longer. Dagmar is the head of the secret organization Department 7. Dagmar's where abouts are unknown at this point in the campaign, but is acknowledged as still living by Richard Lords in the 22nd Century. Update: Dagmarr has be contacted and found to be working for NASA. William contacted Dagmarr and invited him to join the crew, working in the engineering department.

The Exchange[edit]

As of April 1st 2133
1 ounce = 4.4 million credits for gold
1 ounce = 22 million credits for platnum
1 Ton = 32000 Ounces

Captain's Logs[edit]

October 1st 2132
William and Fynch are hired by Richard Lords to work on his space ship. William inspires to Captain his own crew, as he forcefully grants his self the rank of Commodore. The rank is reluctantly accepted by the crew as Richard Lords signs off on the rank, but states the Captain of his ship has the final say.
December 1st 2132
The crew explores some ancient ruins on the planet of Mars in the Sol System. The Ancient ruins turns up as nothing, but actually is a gate way to the inside of the planet where a dangerous alien life form resides. The crew warns the colony, who seems to send a full frontal attack on the ruins, which seems strange. Results are the colony is wiped out by the creatures as William and Fynch take a small light freighter ship, and bargins with the Captain to get a small crew in hopes of never seeing each other again.
January 1st 2133
The Abyss travels to Earth to obtain a crew. William hires a crew with the help of Fynch who now takes a semi-retired role do to losing an arm in a battle. Fynch opens a exploration for hire agency and rakes in the dollars from investments.
February 1st 2133
Crew discovers a small escape pod and backwards engineer the ship to learn from it. While its survivor recovers in sickbay. After trying to install the new technology and using it, they accidentally get propelled into the next galaxy in the delta quadrant, where they discover a new Planet listed on the star charts of the escape pod as M001. M001 appears to be a mineral gold mine of sorts as the crew figures out a way to extract 5 tons of platinum from the planet. The Abyss follow navigational direction given by the ship's new computer system M20 to the Trade system. They sell the platinum for 280 billion credits, and go off to the ships for sale yard and purchase a new ship that is current for the time period. The Abyss 666-A is born as William and crew blast off in a shiny new ship.
March 1st 2133
William heads back to Terra (Earth) to obtain a full crew, and to convince Fynch to join his crew. After Fynch joins his crew, Jimmy follows. William convinces Dagmarr to join the crew, and does willingly. William and crew obtain mining equipment, small refinery for the ship, 200 plasma pistols, and 50 pulse rifles for the crew.

First Officer's Logs[edit]

Ship's Logs[edit]

Jimmy's Personal Logs[edit]

March 17, 2133

It is strange to be in space since I had spent all my life on earth. But with this new galaxy that we are in. The technology is absolutely great. I've already downloaded enough information on the advanced robotics to work on construction for mother's new body. I hope the necessary transfer will work and there will be no complications with the new technology. It is supposed to be a surprise so hopefully Fynch will not see this log entry.

  I am also looking into bio regeneration technology I might be able to grow Fynches arm back.

I think he likes his new mechanical arm so I'll work on another one where he will be able to put his real arm in so he won't lose any of its abilities. Of course the only way to achieve this is to use nano replicator technology which is a new technology that I was able to find. I sort of borrowed the technology by accidentally accessing an alien starship's computer the last time we went to trade planet. They are a very interesting alien race, they kind of look like crocodiles but walk around on two legs "They look very scary". Well that is all "End Log".

Dagmarr's Personal Logs[edit]

June 13 2133

It has come to my attention that the captain has no respect for the ship. it seems that, at least once a week he gets the ship shot at and I have to repair it again and again. If this keeps up I will Hand him the tools and he can fix it himself the next time.

                         This is Dagmarr Wolfgang Krynn   **** End Log ****

Classified Planets[edit]

In the Delta quadrant.
Name: M001
Number: 001
Type: M-Class
Oxygen rich planet, planet is considered a mineral "gold mine". The life forms on the planet are mostly plant based that react strongly to water. The ground is full of various minerals and the soil has been found to be rich with Sulfar. The planet has three suns that circle it, making the day and nights last two hours in total. There is a underground cave system that has a natural sound damping field inside it.