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Nehutu is an ancient fortification, one of the first Chancels upon the Earth. Built on and from a massive mountainside, Nehutu was once one of the more populous Mesopotamian city-states before Hourmazd snatched the mountain, it's city and it's people for his wars against The Dark and his dream of human perfection. Since then the city has been run by the Magister as an extension of his philosophy. People there meditate in silence, train themselves in protecting others and strive to master the fire in their hearts and the breath that animates their bodies, their minds and their words.

As a city that has been lived in for eight thousand years, the city has grown and expanded upon itself many times. The peak of the mountain remains nearly untouched, a single temple-palace crafted to house and protect Hourmazd's physical form as he battles the new enemy, the Excrucians, in the Spirit World. Before then he would simply meditate here, keeping it pristine and silent. A few miles down, the city begins wit the highest temples, monasteries, the palaces of the Nobility and their highest ranking subordinates, the libraries, the universities and the Loathesome Armory, where Creation's worst weaponry is housed. The only sound permitted in this area is the soft music of the bells, wind-chimes and natural gas vents within the mountain rock. Everything else is quiet contemplation.

Further down, the houses of the residents grow more numerous and less glamorous. Most are carved from the stone of the mountain itself, built into caves and mines that have long turned into amphitheaters, factories and laboratories. Here, things are noisier, as the hustle and bustle of everyday life begins to conflict with the spiritual silence of those who dwell higher. Soldiers police to ancient steps leading upwards and people live as they have for centuries, with the addition of the best amenities the modern Prosaic reality has to offer.

Near the foot of the mountain is the clamorous market-places, shops, housing tenements, courthouses, office structures, the guard-posts and barracks and loudest of all, the Nehutu International Airport, which supplies flights all across the world and to any other Chancel with airports. Here things are a bit less modern, the luxuries of modernity tossed aside for the practicality and reliability of what works, and has always worked. Most people are laborers, farmers, soldiers and the like.

Beyond the massive Ishtar Gate that leads through the ancient, battle-tested walls of the city, lie a untamed and wild forest named Kharsu Darisam. Here animals and odd humans stumble in through a handful of the most remote and untouched wild areas left on Earth. This, and mistaken flights and transfers that end up at Nehutu Airport, are the primary ways Hourmazd acquires "unexpected" visitors.