TAND:Custom Items

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Revision as of 17:28, 31 May 2014 by (talk) (Vehicles)
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Ranged Weapons[edit]

Magnetohydrodynamic Beam Cannon[edit]

Owned by Lisette, insert description here

Neural Liquefier[edit]

90m range, 30 clip, reload 1 full action, 2d10+6 pen 8 tearing (and a 20m flamer template with 1d10+4 pen 2 / Clip 5, takes 4 shots from the "normal" clip).

Burst Lascannon[edit]

Heavy; Range 250m; Damage 4d10+8; Pen 10; RoF S/2/-; Clip 10; Rld 2 Full, 65 kg, Extremely Rare

Melee Weapons[edit]


Armour & Force Fields[edit]



Heavenly Peaches (Unrefined)[edit]

Cream-coloured fruit with a velvety-soft skin that do not develop blotches from pressure, they exude a delicious scent and grant any imbiber non-negligible benefits. Heightening all senses of all who partake of them, these delicious, nutritious fruits grant the imbiber the ability to experience the world as an Eldar would, albeit temporarily. They grant Heightened Senses (All) and Unnatural Perception (2) for 2d10*10 minutes.




Salamander Command Vehicle[edit]

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 70kph Maneuverability: +0
Structural Integrity: 35 Size: Massive
Armour: Front: 30 Side: 18 Rear: 16
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Improved Command and Control, Open-Topped, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (main gun), 1 Driver, 1 Comms-Operator, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)
Carry Capacity: None
Fixed Main Weapon: Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 2d20+8 X; Pen 5; Clip: 60; Reload: Full; Tearing)
Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter: (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 2d20+8 X; Pen 5; Clip: 60; Reload: Full; Tearing)
Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter: (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip: 60; Reload: Full; Storm, Tearing)

Ship Components[edit]

Essential Components[edit]


Ship Weapons[edit]


Supplemental Components[edit]


Ship Upgrades[edit]
