Niu Pa
- General 7, Move 120’, AC 9, HD 7d8, hp 71, Att 5+/5+, Saves: Wood 9+, Fire 10+, Earth 14+, Metal 12+, Water 12+, Init +1
- Dmg: Spear (2d12+1), Bow(1d10+1), Unarmed(1d6+1)
- Str +1, Con +1, Dex +1, Wis -1
- Proficiencies: Command, Riding, Intimidate, Manual of Arms (x2), Seduction, Military Strategy, Gambling, Alertness, Land Surveying
- Weapon Masteries: Master (Spear), Expert: (Sabre, Unarmed, Horsebow), Skilled: (All Common, Major, Military)
- Chi Abilities: Iron Body (Cloak of Chi, Iron Skin, Strong Defense), Light Foot (Withdraw, Sprint/Leap, Climb/Fall), Art of War (Spring Breeze, Rolling Thunder)
- Languages: Chinese
- Equipment: Great Spear (+1 Init, +1 Attack), Great Horsebow (+1 Init, +1 Attack) Great Heavy Armor (AC 6, 4 Stone). Enc 6/6 Stone
- Mount: Great Medium Warhorse