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Revision as of 02:25, 3 June 2014 by The Wyzard (talk | contribs) (Ayumu Mori (Heir of Doom))
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The Rambling Ritter Times has been replaced with the Bulletin Board, free to edit by anyone. just give a list of inventory and puzzle challenges under the appropriate heading, and if the others encounter something that could help, we'll bring it to notice.

Also, please be on the lookout for consorts of a musical, artistic, or athletic talent. They are to be recruited for upcoming festivities. Lead them to your base, if possible.

Matt Ritter (Seer of Space)[edit]

current status: first temple finished, killing a lobster for parts.

current organization (ritter's riders):

  • hugh buzzword (scrum imp)
  • polly timetables (land of mud and frogs consort)
  • hyde overtime (sprite)
  • sal s. rep and associates (temporary employees)

inventory (self and associates):

  • cellphone laptop
  • buttloads of candy: special and otherwise
  • an anti-crab wrench: how the hell is this better than a baseball bat? it has one additional function, at best.
  • one copper key

current challenges:

  • birthday parties to plan
  • got to kill a copper blade-flame crab
  • owes a MOON DETECTIVE money

Fitzwilliam Gerald (???)[edit]

to be filled at a later date.

Lilith Ivanov (Knight of Light)[edit]

to be filled at a later date.

Ayumu Mori (Heir of Doom)[edit]

Current Status: In village of spider consorts. 1 dungeon finished.

  • Organization
    • Friends with Kara Wan
    • Consort leader: Rector of Webtown

  • Inventory
    • iPhone: Black Jewels.
    • Pen & Compbook: Black & White speckled jewels.
    • Steamtop: Brass Jewels.
    • Bundle of Tiki Torches: tan jewels.
    • Big Lighter: Dull Blue Jewels.
    • Iron Key
    • Captcha Card
  • Challenges
    • Need to get back to alchemization equipment
    • Need better computers
    • Need a way to deliver iPhones to allies

Lily Watanabe (???)[edit]

to be filled at a later date.

Riley McArthur (???)[edit]

to be filled at a later date.