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TREBA DODAT: Mapa, blago (vrijednost kože, skinning DC...), perception DC za vidit kroks, athletics dc 15 za izać iz vode na obali, beaver damn je hard terrain, past u vodu kad krokodil grizne dc a5 acrobatics check.

Aquatic combat

Creatures using powers with the fire key word take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

Characters using weapons other than spear and crossbow take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

Creatures with the aquatic ability gain a +2 attack bonus against creatures without this ability.

Creatures use their swim speed. Creatures without a swim speed use their athletic skill.

Athletics (swim)

Suffocation (combat)

While a character is holding his breath, he must make a DC 20 Endurance check at the end of his turn in a round where he takes damage. A failed check results in a loss of a healing surge. A character without healing surges takes damage equal to his level.

Escaping from a grab