User:Alice Sara
Game Notes
- Keyed Vigenere
all the world is muken the three truths lead to the distant shore
- Kirika
Element: Obsession Power: Pinions Magical Weapon: Black Feathers Magical Effects: Healing Touch, Magical Strike Finisher: Binding Attack(F) Pinion Nails
Normal Attributes: Sharp 7, Cool 6, Aggro 5, Social 3 Magical Attributes: Fury 7, Heart 6, Magic 5 Resolve: 18 XP: 5/6 Advances: 1-Heart+1
- Suzume
Element: Hope Power: Million to One Magical Weapon: M82A3 Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle Magical Effects: Regeneration, Double Action Finisher: Precise Attack(H) "Lucky Shot"
Normal Attributes: Sharp 7, Cool 5, Aggro 3, Social 6 Magical Attributes: Heart 9, Fury 5, Magic 4 Resolve: 18 XP: 0/0
- Pink-chan/Akasuki
Element: Cuteness Power: Raging Heart Magic Weapon: Toy Masamune Magic Effect: Healing Touch, Magic Shield Finisher: Barrage Attack (H) "Kawaiidiscope", Powerful Attack (H) "Heartbreaker"
Normal Attributes: Cool 6, Aggro 7, Sharp 5, Social 3 Magical Attributes: Heart 9, Fury 4, Magic 5 Resolve: 18 XP: 5/8 Advances: 1-Finisher
- Onegai-san/Mitsuko
Element: Oblivion Power: Gate of the Garden Magic Weapon: Magic Wand/Scythe "All Fiction" Magic Effect: Healing Touch "Nothing Happened!", Regeneration, "No Effect!" Finisher: Binding Attack (M) "Nowhere to Go!", Powerful Attack (H) "Nothing Exists!" Curse Power: Mu
Normal Attributes: Cool 9, Sharp 7, Social 6, Agro 3 Magical Attributes: Magic 9, Heart 8, Fury 5 Resolve: 22 XP: 50/50 Advances: 1-+1 Cool, 1-+1 Sharp, 1-+1 Magic, 1-+1 Heart. 1-+Finisher, 1-+4 Resolve 2-+1 Cool, 2-+1 Social, 2-+1 Heart, 2-+1 Fury
- Frost Flower/Souka
Element: Ice Power: Stasis Magic Weapon: Sword of the North Wind Magic Effect: Magic Shield "Glacial Shield", Magical Strike, "Frost Bite" Finisher: Binding Attack (M) "Freeze Solid", Powerful Attack (M) "Absolute Zero" Curse Power: Convenient Thing
Normal Attributes: Cool 3, Sharp 7, Social 9, Agro 6 Magical Attributes: Magic 9, Heart 8, Fury 5 Resolve: 22 XP: 50/50 Advances: 1-+1 Social, 1-+1 Sharp, 1-+1 Magic, 1-+1 Heart. 1-+Finisher, 1-+4 Resolve 2-+1 Social, 2-+1 Agro, 2-+1 Heart, 2-+1 Fury
- Rules
- Overcharge
- Asura can not voluntarily take Overcharge, nor do not accumulate Overcharge.
- Asura may take Overcharge from other people and use it as Overcharge for their own purposes, such as using Finishers, Magic Effects, or boosting rolls. They may do this in reaction to another person's action as soon as Overcharge occurs (and in fact must, with Youma, since Youma don't accumulate Overcharge).
- Asura may store Overcharge up to 1/2 their highest Magical Attribute (round up).
- Chaos Charge
- If an external event creates Overcharge (usually Youma with the Overcharge Radiation ability), and the Asura was not directly responsible for the event, the Asura may absorb up to the total of their Magical Attributes and store it as Chaos Charge.
- An Asura may convert 2 points of Overcharge into 1 point of Chaos Charge
- An Asura may convert 2 points of Chaos Charge into 1 point of Overcharge
- Chaos Charge may be required to use certain Curse Powers.
- 1 point of Chaos Charge may be used to recover 1d6+3 Resolve
- 1 point of Chaos Charge may be used to create an Oblivion Seed (or Corrupted Seed if the Asura's Curse Power allows).
- Chaos Charge may be used to increase either the Power Level or Magical Girl Number of a Youma, costing 1 point rank of increased value (going from PL2 to PL3 costs 3 Chaos Charge, for example).
- 2 Chaos Charge may be spent to allow the Asura to use any Finisher or Effect once. They still need to pay the usual Overcharge costs as well.
- Resolve
- Asura have Resolve equal to their base as if they were Magical Girls, plus the sum of their Magical Attributes.
- Nature
- Effects that specify Magical Girls or Youma do not effect Asura.
- Asura may not make Wishes or Curses.
- Asura always have a Curse Power, even if they were never a Witch. If they had a Wish power before becoming an Asura, it becomes a Curse Power, there is no option to keep their former power.
- Asura can not be altered by the World or its Agent.
- Overcharge
- Nadie/Asura Zero
Element: Narrative Power: Speed of Plot Magic Weapon: Six-Shooters Magic Effect: Swift Action, Double Action, Healing Touch, Magical Boost (Fury), Magic Shield, Magic Strike, Regeneration Finisher: Barrage Attack (F) 30 Pieces, Binding Attack (F) Four Nails, Debilitating Attack (F) Bloody Spear, Piercing Attack (F) Golgotha Tree, Powerful Attack (F) Iscariot Bullet, Precise Attack (F) Marked for Death Curse Power: Original Sin
Normal Attributes: Cool 11, Agro 10, Sharp 9, Social 7 Magical Attributes: Magic 11, Fury 13, Heart 9 Resolve: 79 XP: 250/250 Advances: 50
MaShouRo Notes
I can't break away
- Kanzoutsukamu
A Familiar that empowers Mahou Shoujos. Black, short hair, with yellow eyes. 'Sleeper Beneath the Waves that Dreams of Dreams Beyond Death'
- Honkukikaori
A Familiar, but opposed to Kanzoutsukamu. It speaks with contempt and an insulting tone. Fluffy gray with blue eyes. 'Weaver in the Darkness that Spins Webs Between Worlds' It's responsible for the existence of Maou Shoujos.
- Sonokouhanyomogi
A Familiar, it seems to be junior to Kanzoustukamu. It speaks politely, but nervously. 'Unspeakable Sovereign Clad in Raiments of Gold' Short white hair, purple eyes.
- Riyuukensaku
A calico cat Familiar, with one blue eye, one green eye, and one amber eye. Killed shortly after its birth. 'Black Goat Who Dwells in the Dark Wood With A Thousand Young'
- Glory
Bubbleheaded blond american reporter for the LA Times, in Ro on assignment. Actually a cover. She's not actually American, but rather an ex-East German Stasi agent. She's a naturally occurring maou shoujo, she wasn't awoken by a Familiar. Her demonic patron is the Creeping Chaos With a Thousand Faces. Her maou shoujo name is 'Hero With A Thousand Faces'.
- Abrego
Cousin of the Abrego from the show. A lifetime #2, he has no ambition to rise higher and risk his neck. Currently managing the Colombian cartels operations in Ro while is cousin is back in Colombia being debriefed
- Zhao Jun
Evil Maou Shoujo from the PRC. Not empowered by Kanz. Fanatically loyal to the Party. In Ro to cause chaos and disrupt the stable equilibrium between Bala and Chang, to create a vacuum that the PRC can fill giving it a pipeline into the occult
- John Carpenter
CIA agent acting as a mole within the NSA. The NSA is trying to supplant the CIA supported Church. JC piggybacked on their operation as a way to smuggle in a summoning tome to the Church. The Church is trying to add occult weapons to their business portfolio. He's also a member of Sapientes Gladio.
- Akara Amattayakul
Small time independent smuggler/pirate/hitman/oddjobs
- Guillaume Le Pen
Vietnamese, but non-Asian, descended from the French colonizers. Works for Huy Tran. Primary contact between Zhao Jun and Huy Tran.
- Huy Tran
Small time Vietnamese pirate, being used by the PRC in its plot to destabilize Ro
- Goat House
Colombian restaurant, Abrego's HQ
- Just in Time Curry House
Janjai's restaurant. Riri works there.
- La Colonial
French cuisine nightclub/restaurant. Somchai works there.
- The Nameless Restaurant
A restaurant that lost its sign long ago. Good food, and a favorite of locals who know to find it.
Magical Burst
Sable Dragoon Chiyoko
- Name: NAKAHARA [仲原] Chiyoko [知世子]
- Mahou Shojo Name: Sable Dragoon
Basic Info
- Girl Type: Driven Warrior
- Reason: I want to protect the girl I love.
- Wish: I have no wish.
- Crisis: I saw something in an abandoned building I was exploring.
- Element: Nothingness
- Weapon: Sword
- Power: Nightmare
- Costume: Black armor, dark blue dress, iron mask.
- Magical Attributes: Magic 9 [Attack] Heart 4 [Defense] Fury 7 [Support]
- Normal Attributes: Tenacity 9 Insight 5 Charm 2
- Resolve: 21/21
- Minor Distortions:
- Major Distortions:
- Temporary Changes:
- Permanent Changes: [Magic] Graphical Glitch, [Fury] Bloody Eyes, [Fury] Weather Phenomenon
- Specialty: Witch/Reaper
- Talents
- Basic/General: Boost (F, 3/S, 1:V), Recover (NC, 2/E), Shield (--, 1-3:S). Inflict (F, 1/S, 1:A), Purge (m, 1/S), Teleport (m, 1/S, 1:S)
- Witch/Reaper: Hex (m 1/R), Cruel Reaper (+1 dam all atks), Blast Strike (M, 1:A), Killing Blow (M, 1:A), Drain Life (F, 1:A), Second Chance Attack (m, 1S), Reaping Strike (m, 2/S)
- Other: [Knight] Regeneration (F, 1/E), [Finishing Move] Barrage (M, 1/S, 1:A)
- [T1] +1 to Magic
- [T1] +1 to Fury
- [T1] +3 to Resolve
- [T2] New Common talent: Inflict
- [T2] New Witch talent: Drain Life
- [T2] New Common talent: Purge
- [T3] Advanced Specialization: Reaper
- [T3] Finishing Move: Barrage
- [T3] New Common talent: Teleport
- [T2] New Witch talent, can rearrange combat stats: Second Chance Attack (no change)
- [T1] +1 Tenacity
- [T1] New Talent from any Specialization: [Knight] Regeneration
- [T1] +1 Tenacity
Nakahara Chiyoko had an unfortunate nickname in middle school, "Arechi", formed from the sounds of her name and meaning "wasteland" due to her love of exploring modern ruins and looking at photographs of desolate places. But she didn't mind. If people left her alone, it gave her more time gaze at the wondrous beauty that was Touyama Nao, one of her fellow classmates. Besides, as a half-foreigner (her mother is from Iceland), she often felt like an outsider anyway.
Her idyllic life changed when, one day, she was exploring an abandoned shopping mall. She saw something when she wandered into a particularly dim section. Everything around her became familiar, but unfamiliar, distorted. She walked for what felt like days until she came upon a bizarre creature that seemed busy doing some unfathomable task. She ran, but was unable to escape. Fortunately for her a tsukaima, Pippo, found her and led her out of the Nightmare. When is asked if she could help it with its tasks, she quickly agreed. If there were such things in the world, she'd need power to protect her beloved Touyama Nao if anything happened.
About a year and a half since she made her contract she's a changed girl. Before she was whimsical, now she's driven and intense. She transfered to a high school in Shinohara, following Nao who had to move when her father got a new job. Chiyoko now lives with her aunt and uncle, who aren't sure what to make of the new her. She still hunts daemons, with even more fervor than before.
The Journey: Notes
- Alanna failed the test to pick out good equipment. Fail Forward The clothes are fine for their purpose, but have a faint but distinctive odor that makes Mirana easier to track by scent.
- Razor failed the test to notice the watch-crows. Fail Forward He did notice them, but they noticed him noticing them.
Double Cross
Satou Yui
Basic Data
Observed Powers
Power | Syndrome | Level/Max | Timing | Skill | Difficulty | Target | Range | Encroach | Restrict | Effect |
Warding | Common | 1/1 | Auto | - | Auto | Scene | View | 0 | - | All non-Overeds in scene become Extras. Overeds sense use of Warding. |
Resurrect | Common | 1/3 | Auto | - | Auto | Self | Close | HP | <100% | Incapacitated or Scene ends. Heal [LV]D HP. |
Concentrate: Chimera | Common/Chimera | 1/3 | Major | Syndrome | - | - | - | 2 | - | Any check that uses this power gains -[LV] Critical Value bonus (min 7). |
Reaming Claw | Chimera | 1/10 | Minor | - | Auto | Self | Close | 3 | - | For the duration of the scene, user's fists become Type Melee Skill Melee Acc 0 Atk Power +[LV+8] Guard 1 Range Close. |
Dragon Scales | Chimera | 2/2 | Reaction | - | Auto | Self | Close | 3 | - | In exchange for taking an attack, gain +[LV x 10] [Armor] stat bonus vs the attack, cumulative with equipped armor. May not be combined with other powers. |
Irresistible Words | Solaris | 2/5 | Major | Negotiation | Opposed | Single | View | 2 | - | Make a ranged attack; if it hits, for the duration of the scene, the target will take a -[LV] dice penalty toward all checks. |
Corrosive Fingertip | Solaris | 2/5 | Major | Melee or Ranged | Opposed | Single | Weapon | 2 | - | If an attack that uses this power hits, for the duration of the scene the target takes a -[LV x 5] [Armor] stat penalty (min 0). |
Stocked Equipment
Bicycle (1), leather jacket (2), cell phone, accessory, casual wear, school uniform
Name: Leather Jacket Type: Armor Dodge: - Initiative: - Armor: 2
Background Data
Satou Yui was an ordinary 2nd year high school girl. She had ordinary grades. Three ordinary friends. An ordinary mother, father, and younger brother. She was neither popular nor unpopular, stylish or unstylish, beautiful or ugly. She didn't have a boyfriend, but that's wasn't out of the ordinary either. She wasn't smart or dumb, strong or weak, fast or slow. She worried mostly about ordinary things, she had some ordinary secrets (mostly). She was generally cheerful, but not in a way that was out of the ordinary. She was a member of an ordinary club, the literature club. She had ordinary dreams (mostly).
Then she died. Then things weren't ordinary anymore. Then people that looked like monster and monsters that looked like people fought. Then she wasn't dead. Then the burning poison in her veins didn't hurt. Then she wasn't ordinary anymore, either.
Relationship Data
Name | Lois/Titus | Emotion | Relationship | Description |
SATOU Yukiko* | Lois | Love*/Inferiority | Mother | Yui's mother is kind-hearted, loving woman, who cares deeply about her children and her husband. She's not overly protective, preferring to trust Yui to come to her if Yui ever got into some kind of trouble. Yui loves her father and younger brother too, but she's closest to her mother. |
KICHIDA Emi* | Lois | Affinity*/Jealousy | Classmate | One of the group of three fellow classmates Yui hangs out with, and the one she considers her friend. The girls in the group besides her knew each other in middle school. Emi invited Yui to join their group for lunch one day, and they became friends. |
SATOU Matsuri* | Lois | Euphoria*/Shame | Secret Crush | The girl that Yui is madly in love with. She's a fellow second year, but in a different class. Yui fell in love the moment she saw the tall, boisterous, yet somehow elegant, beauty, and joined the Literature Club so she could spend time with her. She keeps her love a secret since she doesn't want to get rejected, and besides a girl loving another girl wouldn't be ordinary. Since they share the same name (but are not related), sometimes Yui fantasizes that they're married. |
AYASE Manaka | Lois (Scenario) | Earnestness*/Inferiority | Classmate | A fellow classmate. Yui admires how hard she works, and is inspired by her example. |
WAKAHISA Akio | Lois (PC) | Curiosity/Pity* | Classmate | A student reporter interested in the paranormal and conspiracies. She's a little curious about what he's investigating, but pities him for having a weird hobby. |
Sarasa Matsuri
Basic Data
Observed Powers
Power | Syndrome | Level/Max | Timing | Skill | Difficulty | Target | Range | Encroach | Restrict | Effect |
Warding | Common | 1/1 | Auto | - | Auto | Scene | View | 0 | - | All non-Overeds in scene become Extras. Overeds sense use of Warding. |
Resurrect | Common | 1/3 | Auto | - | Auto | Self | Close | HP | <100% | Incapacitated or Scene ends. Heal [LV]D HP. |
Concentrate: Morpheus | Common/Morpheus | 1/3 | Major | Syndrome | - | - | - | 2 | - | Any check that uses this power gains -[LV] Critical Value bonus (min 7). |
Humanity's Neighbor | Renegade | 1/5 | Constant | - | Auto | Self | Close | +5 Base Encroach | RB | User's Impulse checks receive +(LV) dice bonus. This power doesn't get Encroach level bonus. |
Origin: Animal | Renegade | 1/5 | Minor | - | Auto | Self | Close | 3 | RB | For duration of scene, all powers that use Fists receive +[LVx2] Attack Power bonus. While in effect, no items but fists may be used or equipped. |
Hundred Guns | Morpheus | 2/5 | Minor | - | Auto | Self | Close | 3 | - | Create and equip a weapon that lasts the scene. Type Ranged Skill Ranged Acc 0 Atk Power +[LV+4] Guard - Range 30m. |
Create Armor | Morpheus | 1/5 | Minor | - | Auto | Self | Close | 2 | - | Creates and equips armor that last scene. Replaces current armor. Type: Armor Dodge: 0 Initiative: 0 Armor: [8+(LVx2)]. |
Overlord | Orcus | 1/1 | Auto | - | Auto | Self | Close | 3 | 80% | Declare right before User's attack. Double the Attack Power of one weapon being used. That weapon is destroyed at end of User's main process. |
Distorted Domain | Orcus | 2/3 | Auto | - | Auto | - | Close | 3 | - | Declare when Guarding against a Ranged attack. The attacker takes [LVx5] HP damage. May only be used once per round. |
Stocked Equipment
cell phone, accessory, casual wear
Background Data
A calico cat that got infected by the Renegade Virus. She hangs out on the fringes of human society, doing odd jobs as a human or living the simple life of a stray cat, as the fancy strikes her. She nominally works for the UGN, but she has contacts with False Hearts and Xenos too. Her carefree manner hides her loneliness, and her desire to find a place where she can be at ease.
Relationship Data
Name | Lois/Titus | Emotion | Relationship | Description |
FUJIWARA Akasuki* | Lois | Affinity*/Alienation | Best Friend | Akasuki is a 5th year elementary school girl, who thinks she's adopted a stray cat. Matsuri appreciates the simple nature of her relationship with the young girl, and looks out for her. Sometimes she wishes she could get adopted for real and enter Akasuki's home. |
SHINICHIRO Yume* | Lois | Curiosity/Distrust* | Confidant | A young woman in her 20s that makes her living as an information broker. She has a twisted personality, and seems to find everything funny, but at the same time, she deals with Matsuri honestly. Matsuri is left in the odd position of not wanting to trust her, but doing so anyway because Yume is always fascinating to talk to. |
TANAKA Youichi* | Lois | Sympathy/Anxiety* | Rival | A fellow Renegade Being, but one that seems to have little use for humanity. He once almost inadvertently killed Fujiwara Akasuki. Matsuri wants to get him to accept humanity, and to become less reckless, because she see how she could become when she looks at him, and she wants to convince herself that the slide into becoming a monster isn't inevitable. |
Drvsi Timurovna Khigir
Drvsi thought she struck it big when she succeeded at getting a piece of Shrimp art on her last Deep Dive in the icy waters of Europa. But the fracking CorpRat that held her indenture accused her of stealing it instead and 'confiscated it'. She ran for it and was helped to escape by the Europa Railroad, an organization that works to free indentured people that want to escape. In exchange, they asked her to infilitrate a ship that was suspected of slaving. There, she encountered the outlaw pilot Tahir al-Saif, who was working on leading a mutiny against the captain because of the slaving and helped him take over the ship and free the slaves. Bumming around, finding jobs where she could, she ended up in a seedy bar in a seedy part of Ceres. A fight erupted, between some spacers and some locals. She ended up on the side of the spacers and helped save one of their officers from getting knifed in the back. Asked how they could repay her, she offered she could use a job. As it turns out, their captain, Gallagher Cain, has told them to be on the lookout for new crew. And that's how she ended up on the Black Betty.
Fate Points: 3 Refresh: 3
- High Concept: Double-Crossed Deep Diver on the Run
- Trouble: Enemies in High Places
- Story1: Debt of Honor to the Europa Railroad [Invoke: Contacts and info, Compel: Duty and obligations]
- Co-star: In Over Her Head [Invoke: Thinks fast and adapts, Compel: Gets into trouble]
- Captain's Story: It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog [Invoke: Really good in a fight, Compel: Unwilling to back down from a fight]
- Notice +4 Stunt: Danger Sense
- Will +3 Stunt: Strength From Determination
- Empathy +3
- Lore +2 Stunt: Specialist - Xenology
- Fight +2
- Drive +2
- Crafts +1
- Athletics +1
- Burglary +1
- Stealth +1