Chittik Troops

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Standard Chittik Citizen HP: 5 AC: 7 (Chitin is considered TL4!) Skills: A skilled normal Chittik has one or two skills at +1. Morale: Varies Atk: +3. See weapons

Description: A Chittik citizen is a humanoid insect of around 1.9 meters tall, not including antennae. They have two legs, two arms with fine-manipulation claws, and two heavy upper arms with fighting claws. They have large antennae, complicated mandibles, and a stinger used to implant eggs at the bottom of their abdomen. They can learn to speak human languages, but generally aren't very good at it. The psychological landscape of humans is beyond whatever pitiful powers of empathy they might possess. Their overland speed is similar to humans.

Senses & Environment: Chittik originate from a cold, wet planet with a dim red star. They can see lower frequencies of light than humans can, but their color and distance vision is poor. Chittik usually can't see much past 150 meters. However, their sense of sound and smell is very good due to their antennae, and hiding from a Chittik search party is very difficult. They are most comfortable in air that is wet and around 10-15 degrees celsius, with thick mists being preferred, and with dim red lighting.

Standard Weapons: Claws: All Chittik can make an innate claw attack for 1d4 damage. War-trained Chittik may be able to make two claw attacks per round at 1d4+1, if they do not make a weapon attack. These are considered TL2 weapons for purposes of attacking against armor.

Enhanced Claws: Elite Chittik assault units may be fitted with vibro-claws which deal 1d6+1. These are considered TL4 weapons.

Ion Pistol: Chittik Ion Pistols have a 5 round capacity when fitted with Chittik power cells (inferior to human Type As), a range of 20/40, and deal 1d6+1 damage. Ion weapons are less lethal. A target reduced to zero or below by an Ion gun may make a saving throw v. physical effect at the end of the first, second, and third round. If any of these saves is successful, the victim automatically stabilizes, and will wake up within a few hours with 1 HP.

Ion Rifle: Chittik Ion Rifles have a 15 round capacity when fitted with a Chittik power cell. They have a range of 100/200, deal 2d4 damage, and are capable of burst fire. They are less-lethal in the same way that Ion Pistols are.


Chittik Gas Weapons

Chittik often use "bug bomb" technology to disable their victims rather than kill them. These substances are effective against humans and some other alien species, but have no effect on Chittik. The bug bomb chemical is actually a thick green fluid that rapidly fumes and vaporizes when in contact with oxygen. A relatively small amount of it rapidly expands into a thick choking cloud, and then is rendered ineffective within seconds due to continued contact with atmospheric gases. It can be absorbed through the skin, and so gas masks are ineffective. A fully sealed environment suit is required to protect from a bug bomb.

Bug Bomb gas is about the same weight as air, and will naturally fill around corners or go up and down stairs. Some degree of common sense must be applied when determining what the area of effect will be for any use of gas weapons.

Bug Bomb weapons inflict "sleep points" rather than HP. Sleep Points dissipate from a conscious target at the rate of one per minute. A target whose current Sleep Points exceed their current HP falls asleep, and does not regain consciousness for 1d6 hours.

Bug Bomb Grenade: These units are large, heavy cylinders. They can be thrown through windows or into the middle of a room. They start spraying out Chittik Sleep Gas immediately on impact, and will fill an area of up to around 6x6 meters. They are not terribly effective in high winds. The bug bomb grenade will continue to maintain the cloud for three rounds. Anyone in the initial area of effect must make an evasion saving throw or gain 1d4 sleep points. After that, anyone ending their turn or passing through the area of effect will gain 1d4 sleep points with no save.

Gas Sprayer: Gas sprayers can operate in three different modes. Their encumbrance requirements are like those of a flamethrower.

The first mode spits out a thin but powerful stream of the liquid formulation, which can strike targets up to 100 meters away. The attack is treated much like throwing a grenade; the Chittik makes an attack against AC9 and a miss results in a scatter. The fuming cloud of gas has a radius of 5 meters, just like a grenade, and deals 2d4 sleep points to any unprotected target in the area of effect.

The second mode sprays out a cone of gas 50 meters long and five meters wide at the end. Assume this can affect any relatively close-together group of enemies, probably six at once unless they're especially closely packed or spread out. Roll to hit against AC9; armor will have no effect. All targets struck take 1d8 sleep points, with a save against physical effect negating it.

The third mode simply fills an area around the size of a small-to-medium house with gas. The gas will last for 1d6+2 rounds, with everyone in the house taking 1d4 sleep points each round if they do not make a save v. physical effect. This uses an entire tank of chemicals.