Invictus Igni House Rules

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New Extended Actions for Starship Combat[edit]

Boarding Actions[edit]

These actions are used when multiple player-characters take part in a Boarding or Hit-and-Run Action. The character leading the Action still uses his Command Skill as per-normal, but each additional PC may make additional Skill Tests to add the following effects to the Action.

Hunter's Prowess[edit]

Useable by: Arch-Militants
Roll a Challenging (+0) BS Test. If successful, roll for damage using one wielded weapon, ignoring Range and Penetration. Deal that amount of damage directly to enemy Morale due to brutal attrition thanks to the Arch-Militant's exceptional ferocity and skill.

Mechanicus Dominance[edit]

Useable by: Explorator
Access to an enemy ship means more than the freedom to stride its decks: it also means access to the circulatory system of wires that govern the ship's systems. Your proficiency with technology gives insight to interfere directly with the target ship's functions. Roll a Difficult (-10) Tech-Use test. If successful, you bend the ship's cogitators to your will and can choose to either cause critical damage to one other known component, or reveal the rest of the ship's components to your own ship's auspex.