Hellfrost Ice and Death CharacterUlfric

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Ulfric Ring-Short

Race: Saxa

Rank: Novice


Agility d6

Smarts d6

Spirit d8

Strength d8

Vigor d8

Derived Traits

Charisma: 0

Glory: 0

Pace: 6

Parry: 7 (1)

Toughness: 8 (2); vs. ranged attacks 10 (4)


Auld Saxa, Saxa, Trader


0 silver shields, 0 gold shields


Faith d10

Fighting d8

Intimidate d8

Notice d6

Knowledge (Demons) d4

Knowledge (Undead) d6

Survival d4

Racial Properties

Diverse: Humans of any culture start play with one free Edge of their choice or 2 extra skill points. The character must meet the requirements of the Edge as usual.


Arcane Background (Miracles)


Connections (Scaetha)


Enemy (Major: Changeling)


Orders (Scaetha)

Vengeful (Minor)


Grave-Shackles (Weaken Undead. Trappings: glowing ghostly manacles clap around the target's wrists and ankles)

Pyre-Flame Blessing (Smite. Trappings: Heatless, spectral flames wreathe the weapon)

Worm-Feeder Trance (Warrior's Blessing. Trappings: eyes turn glowing white, unnatural prowess)


Short Spear: STR+d6 damage, Reach 1 (75)

Scale Hauberk: +2 Armor, covers T, A, L (200)

Chain Coif: +2 Armor, 75% chance of protecting head (50)

Medium Shield: +1 Parry, +2 Armor vs. ranged attacks (50)



Boot Spikes: +1 to Climbing rolls, treat smooth ice as rough ice and rough ice as normal terrain

Clothes, Winter: +2 to Vigor rolls to resist cold weather

Flint and Steel



0 of 3 Wounds Taken

0 of 2 Fatigue Levels Suffered

3 of 3 Bennies Used (Soak Wounds, remove Shaken, reroll a Trait roll)


5 XP: Smarts d6

10 XP: Champion


  • Fourth son of a Jarl.
  • Was disowned after a changeling infiltrated his house and framed him for its misdeeds.
  • The punishment for bringing shame upon the family was the removal of his left pinky finger, hence the nickname.
  • Became a Paladin of Scaetha to do glorious things and erase his shame far from intrigue.
  • Hasn't yet become a somber shell of a man. Death can come at any time, so never forsake good company.

Minor Goal: Make a "pilgrimage" to the Withered Lands and reap a great tally.

Major Goal: Have my legend sung back home, so that the deeds of Ulfric Ring-Short outweigh the shame of Ulfric Lambisunu. Living to hear it is optional.