The Wandering Tribe: Sleipnir
Large beast, unaligned
- Armor Class: 10
- Hit Points: 14 (2d10 + 3)
- Speed: 50 ft
- Str 16(+3)
- Dex 10(+0)
- Con 14(+2)
- Int 3 (-4)
- Wis 10 (0)
- Cha 5 (-3)
- Senses passive Perception 10
- Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
- Side Kick: Melee, +0 to hit, reach 5 ft, up to three targets along the same flank, 2d4+3 damage
A sleipnir is a six-legged beast closely resembling a camel. They are well-suited to the Clay Lands, with six legs to provide stability (at the cost of some speed) and the ability to go without water for weeks at a time while carrying as many as three people and baggage. They are known to have dour tempers, and have little fear as they are, generally, the largest living thing in the Clay Lands. Their owners swear that it's possible to form a special bond with a single sleipnir, however this 'bond' usually takes the form of being spit on by the sleipnir less often than they spit on others. While wild sleipnir can be broken in and tamed, it is far easier to train a youngster that was born to domesticated parents.