Charlie 'Sheriff' Cooper
Name: Charlie 'Sheriff' Cooper, Retired UPNR Colonel. Concept: Retired Ranger, Frontier Lawman Origin: Gimmick Point Build 50
- Prowess 5
- Coordination 5
- Strength 4
- Intellect 4
- Awareness 5
- Willpower 4
Powers: 19 Armor 2 (Recon Long Coat) Super-Senses 3 Additional Senses: Direction Sense, Ultraviolet Vision, Tracking Sense (Recon HUD Moncocle) Vehicle 8 ("Black Jack" UPNR Steel Horse Class Recon Skimmer) Blast 4 (pair of voltaic plasma pistols)
Specialties: Guns Tracking Martial Arts Stealth Pilot
Qualities Motivation: "The UPNR ain't what it used to be" Catchphrase: "Howdy Ma'am, Fine weather ain't it" Connection: Vice Admiral Percival Cartwright (Old College roommate,) Connection: Captain Virgina Cartwright (The one that Got Away)
Challenges: Personal: Bum Knee (Psycosomatic limp) Bad Luck Social: Considered a washed up dinosaur by current UPNR leadership
Black Jack (32 pts)
Description: Black Jack is an extensively modified recon skimmer that Charlie brought home with him after he retired. Recon Skimmers are small lightly armored hovercycles capable of short range extra-atmospheric flight but designed predominantly for planetary use. Recon units often used them for drop insertions due to their ability to be sealed for reentry. Black Jack has had its handling and air speed significantly improved by its owner and its standard issue voltaic cannon replaced with a lighter, higher RoF voltaic repeater.
Handling 4 Air Speed 4 Space Speed 2 Structure 3 Armor 1 Powers: Life Support 5 (Cold, Heat, Breathing, Vacuum, Radiation) Laser Blast 4 (Multi Barreled Voltaic Repeater) Extras: Power: Fast Attack 4, Burst, Multiple Types (Shooting or Blasting) Detection Resistance 3 (Sensor Dampening Paint)