Tina-kora Maransdottir
Tiny Tina
Maran Devor initiate. Classic skinhead girl.
Ran away from home to join Maran Gor after she felt the great Shaker Temple calling to her. Found solace in Maran Devor and Knocking down trees. Left in the entourage of her Priestess to aid Kallyr in her rebellion. It all went to shit from there.
STR 13 CON 14 SIZ 8 INT 13 POW 17 DEX 13 CHA 10
Sometimes surly other times sweet as pie, but tough as old boots. Shaved head and filed teeth.
Heavy mace, Shield, Maul, Fist.
Bludgeon 2 Healing 2 Fanaticism 1 Vigour 3 2 spare to choose.
Rune magic
- Communication: +7%
- Bargain (5%)
- Fast Talk (5%)
- Orate (5%)
- Sing (15%) +35% =57%
- Language [Sartarite] (INTx5%) 72%
- Language [Trade Talk] (INTx3%) 46%
- Earth speech (5%)+20
- Manipulation:+8
- Conceal (5%)
- Device (5%)
- Sleight (5%)
- Instrument [Drum ] (0%)
- Knowledge: +3%
- Craft [Tattooing ] (10%)+35%= 48%
- Evaluate (5%)
- First Aid (10%)
- Lore [Earth ] (5%) +20=28%
- Read/Write (0%)
- Perception:+6%
- Listen (25%)
- Scan (25%)+20= 45%
- Search (25%)
- Track (5%)
- Agility: +7%
- Boat (5%)
- Climb (40%)+50= 97%
- Dodge (5%) +20= 32%
- Jump (25%)+20= 52%
- Ride [ ] (5%)
- Swim (15%)
- Throw (25%)+20= 52%
- Stealth:—2
- Hide (10%)
- Sneak (10%)
- Magic:+12
- Ceremony (5%) +50%= 67%
- ATTK +8%
- Par+7%
- Heavy Mace
- Thr Mace
- Shield
- Fist