Session 267

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Chapter 37

-+-+- Thank you to Beth for this piece of log I was missing :-) -+-+-

  • BethE ( has joined #Nobilis

<Lazarus> hey Beth

<BethE> Hi guys!

<BethE> Feeling better, Laz?

<Verithe> 'Allo!

<Lazarus> I am feeling better today. Have SG-1 on my old monitor, with my new big giant monitor being used for chat :)

<Lazarus> I did work until 8:20, though.

  • Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis

<Knockwood> Hi all

<Lazarus> hey kwd

<BethE> Hi Knock

<Random_Nerd> So, this week is Amyra.

<Verithe> Woo!

<Random_Nerd> You guys had just finished auctioning off Dante's sword collection on Ebay, and were about to set Theresa on fire.

<Random_Nerd> Oh, wait, that's next session.

<Knockwood> We'd just found out we're all doomed.

<Lazarus> we did?

<Lazarus> is this a different doom?

<Etheric> I confess ignorance.

<Random_Nerd> I forget, which doom did you find out about?

<Lazarus> oh yes, I got the directions to JbJ.

<Lazarus> and I wanted to go talk JbJ out of his evil rampage.

<BethE> Also someone claiming to be Entropy took the Bael in a Box.

<Verithe> http://www. generatorland. com/usergenerator.aspx?id=6452

<Knockwood> Well, based on our limited info it looks like Ananda is a mole.

<BethE> I've forgotten this one, Knock. Can you remind me?

<Knockwood> Well, what we have:

<Knockwood> On Breach Day, whoever fought Ophaniel was using techniques that just wouldn't work on an angel.

<Knockwood> Whoever fought HQB was using remarkably effective techniques.

<Knockwood> Ophaniel was replacing Kudzu at the last minute.

<Knockwood> Kudzu and HQB are both Wildlords.

<Knockwood> Wild-Ass-Guess #1: Whoever fought Ophaniel was expecting Kudzu.

<BethE> (That seems reasonable.)

<Lazarus> I thought Ananda would have known about the switch beforehand, and so probably wasn't the mole. It was someone below enough but not too far below

<Verithe> Maybe it was Kudzu's "fetch"?

<Knockwood> Based on that: someone on the other side has access to the schedule.

<Knockwood> The schedule created by the Council.

<Random_Nerd> Let me check a line, so I can make sure I'm consistent.

<Random_Nerd> Ophaniel said that the schedule was chosen by Entropy.

<Knockwood> But, if HQB and Kudzu managed to get defeated, wouldn't that endanger Earth?

<Random_Nerd> Presumably.

<Random_Nerd> I mean, there's a reason they guard the Wall.

<Knockwood> That eliminates half the COuncil as suspects.

<Knockwood> ... hm, we never did think about Surolam...

<Random_Nerd> But, I mean... where are you getting that the Council, collectively, makes these assignments?

<Lazarus> does anyone ever think about Surolam?

<Lazarus> ... maybe that's why Surolam went rogue? :p

<Verithe> I am getting so lost.

<Knockwood> oh, so Entropy's a mole, then

<BethE> Ah, yes, Surolam is actually the Imperator of the 4th Age.

<Knockwood> OK.

<Knockwood> no, Ananda is

<BethE> Entropy's an ass. Didn't Shirk come over the Wall before Breach Day? He could have gotten the list.

<Random_Nerd> Shirk was after Breach Day.

<BethE> My mistake.

<Random_Nerd> Should we take this IC?

<Knockwood> Hold on...

<Knockwood> Let's take a moment to check out Density... I mean Destiny maps

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Knockwood> Then again, weren't you considering trying out Chuubo-style Quests here?

<Random_Nerd> I do think they work better.

<Random_Nerd> But not at this exact instant, at least.

<Random_Nerd> So...

  • BethE is now known as Theresa

<Lazarus> (btw, who's played Shadowrun: Dragonfall? I'm about in the middle I think, and it's really quite good ^_^)

<Theresa> So, back at the Tower?

  • Lazarus is now known as Brian

<Knockwood> Let's see, I could work on "How the Nobles of Amyra (and their friends) Saved the World"

<Knockwood> OK by me

  • Knockwood is now known as DanteE

  • Verithe is now known as Kite

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Random_Nerd> Saving the world is good.

<Random_Nerd> Ready?

<DanteE> (Though, actually...)

<Kite> Oui!

<DanteE> (If we try to save _Earth_ Kite and I will get corrupted.

<DanteE> (Paradoxically, if we try to save _Creation_ and leave saving Earth to Entropy we might not.)

<Theresa> (Save first, worry about corruption later!)

<Kite> (Psh. Kite's trying to save Creation, not necessarily Earth.)

  • Etheric is now known as Carrie

<Theresa> (Is Vulcan even on Earth?)

<Random_Nerd> (His chancel is.)

<Kite> (Yeah)

<DanteE> "OK... Sam... William... Here's what we've got. I'll just trust your training not to panic."

<Random_Nerd> _____START_________

<Random_Nerd> (Okay, so you're back from the Moon?)

<DanteE> (Yep)

<Kite> (Yes! Let's be back from the Moon!)

<Kite> (Progress!)

<Theresa> (Yep. And can we have Sam in the room to, to interrogate?)

<Random_Nerd> (Okay.)

  • DanteE lays out what Ophaniel said and what it could mean (i.e., what I said OOC earlier)

<Theresa> "It doesn't have to have been Ananda. The Council probably has minions. Secretaries. Someone who gets them their equivalent of Imperator Mocha Lattes with Extra Froth."

<DanteE> "OK, let's figure this out. If this is right, how could they know Kudzu was supposed to be there?"

<Random_Nerd> (And, also, HQB.)

<Brian> "Sam, who works directly for the Council?"

<DanteE> "Now, is it specifically Entropy that finalizes the schedule?"

<DanteE> (HQB was attacked.)

<DanteE> (Unless he's lying about that...)

<Random_Nerd> (Yes, and he was attacked very effectively.)

<Random_Nerd> (They knew what to expect with him, too. But did not for Gamaliel.)

<DanteE> (ITYM Ophaniel, right?)

<Theresa> (Then to me, that says that the attackers just know how to attack Wildlords.)

<DanteE> (Or was Gamaliel ineffectively attacked too?)

<Random_Nerd> (I believe Ophaniel said that Gamaliel noticed nothing out of the ordinary.)

<Kite> (Did Gamaliel have the same issue as Ophaniel?)

<Random_Nerd> (So they did not specifically use anti-angel kung fu against him. But they also didn't expect a Wildlord.)

<DanteE> (Gamaliel actually was on the schedule, right?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)

<Kite> (Ophaniel: "Too weak!", HQB: "Too strong!", Gamaliel: "Just right!")

<Random_Nerd> (The only substitution was Kudzu.)

<DanteE> (When was the attack relative to the breach, when we got those weird memories?)

<Random_Nerd> (And nobody knows what Barakiel's experience was, because, Barakiel.)

<Random_Nerd> (That... isn't a meaningful question. The Wall is defended in the deep mythic. Time there is kinda wobbly.)

<Kite> (Maybe Gamaliel's the mole?)

<Theresa> (Barakiel's experience was 'fish'.)

<DanteE> (Then they'd have known it was Ophaniel rather than Kudzu, ne?)

<DanteE> "OK, wait..."

<Kite> (*shrug* depends how coordinated they could be)

  • DanteE has 'Entropy' written on the left side of a whiteboard, and the guardians listed on the other.

<DanteE> "OK, now, figure there's a line of intermediaries...

  • DanteE draws the line.

<DanteE> "Kudzu bowed out at the last minute, right?"

<Theresa> "Yep."

<Brian> "In fact, Sam, can you get an org chart for the Council?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "...there are four of them."

  • DanteE draws '<-Ophaniel' right before Kudzu's name

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It wouldn't be much of a chart, boss."

<DanteE> "Now... if Ophaniel's attacker was expecting Kudzu...

<Brian> "They don't have anyone working for them?"

<Brian> "Cammorae?"

<Theresa> "I still think that the Excrucians just _know_ how to fight Wildlords. Heck, they could have even just sent the parts of Kudzu and HQB that exist on the other side of the Wall outside of Time to beat themselves up."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I don't think they have a structured support staff in that way."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Entropy shows up himself, or sends a noble, or grabs someone walking down the hall at the wrong time and sends them to do something if they don't want their soul filled with broken glass and old razor blades."

<DanteE> "Hm... well, they have to know by now that there are a variety of Ymerae guarding. Why just go after one type?

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Surolam has servitors, but nobody can tell them apart anyway."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "You've already seen how Ha'Qadosh Berakha handles things."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And Ananda... doesn't really do all that much."

<DanteE> "Do the other three Council members have any input to the scheduling?"

<Brian> "So, what you're saying is that there's no real way to know who would have the list and who would have updated the list and so on?"

<Theresa> "Why not? The Excrucians, so far, have been all about making holes for themselves, not holes big enough for say, an _army_ of them to get through. Plus, Occam's Razor is that Wildlords are the ones they know best how to fight."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "The military assignments aren't a Council thing. They're Entropy... they're him functioning as a general, rather than a judge or lawmaker."

<Kite> "Maybe Wildlords are the only ones they understand."

<Theresa> "If you had to fight a human or fight a tentacled being with three brains, seven hearts and a spleen, which would be easier to fight?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And to his credit, he's very good at it."

<DanteE> (Did whoever attack Gamaliel try using Wildlord techniques?)

<Theresa> (And yet General Entropy Patton is using us as weapons..)

<Random_Nerd> (As far as you could tell from talking to Ophaniel, they did not.)

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I would rather fight the thing with the hearts and the brains."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Lot of weak spots. Punch it anywhere, and it's gonna start flopping around on the ground."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Humans are scary durable."

<DanteE> "Well, wait. If they were only going after Wildlords, Gamaliel would have noticed something."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I mean, all your vital organs are encased in /bone/. You're like walking tanks made of meat!"

<Theresa> (You've been reading one of the dialogues in the image thread about how humans are the equiv of Space Orcs, haven't you...)

<Random_Nerd> (There's another one going on?)

<Random_Nerd> (But Sam would think that about any sapient vertebrate.)

<Kite> "That's true.....unless Gamaliel was only pretending it was business as usual."

<Theresa> (Umm.. Spine-ist!)

  • @Kite makes a perturbed face.

<Random_Nerd> (Humans, by Dionyl standards, are very strong and very tough.)

<Kite> "I don't want to talk to Gamaliel."

<DanteE> "Why does ... um ... you-know-who not like Gamaliel?"

<Brian> (Dionyl standards are very fragile by our standards)

<Theresa> "He could have thought that he would be showing weakness by doing so. And that would make him look weak, which is not good for Imperators, especially Hell ones?)

<Theresa> (RN - )

<Random_Nerd> (Dionyl are durable to a few particular things that would work on human. A knife doesn't do much to one. But a solid punch that would maybe knock the wind out of a human could incapacitate a dionyl.)

<Kite> "I would assume because Gamaliel is a Fallen Angel, but who knows! You can ask when you aren't around to remind people with weak minds who you are talking about."

<Carrie> "Why not look at it from the other direction. What would Entropy have to gain from letting the Excrucians know when Wildlords were scheduled?"

<Random_Nerd> (*follows link* Ha!)

<DanteE> to Carrie: "Well, it would mean Excrucians potentially getting in and threatening his interests on Earth."

<Theresa> "I think that our friend who does not like to be named but likes puzzles doesn't like Gamaliel because said Imperator tortured him and that usually puts a damper on relationships."

<Random_Nerd> Sam nods. It totally does.

<DanteE> "Why'd he do that?"

<Carrie> "Would the Darkest Lord benefit from eliminating our Lord, or Ha-Qadosh Berakha? It would lend credence to the theory if so, but otherwise..."

<Theresa> "Uhh, Fallen Angels are dicks? *thinks* Could be that's how he likes to make that particular Noble. Lesson says that he likes to have the perfect person for each estate."

<Random_Nerd> William: "My understanding is that he and Ymera Kudzu don't get along, but they aren't enemies."

<Random_Nerd> William: "Kudzu probably doesn't even make the top fifty on Entropy's enemy list."

<DanteE> (Wait, don't we have a knowledge-of-Entropy stone?)

<Theresa> (I don't even want to be on Entropy's "...interesting." list.)

<Carrie> "Very well. Perhaps it is some form of foresight, then, similar to our divinations?"

<Kite> "Who's on top of the list?"

<Kite> "Anyone we know?"

<Theresa> "Lobe'

<Theresa> "Love's Regent?"

<DanteE> "If he's smart, Entropy."

<Random_Nerd> William: "I have no idea. The Excrucians? Ananda if he's in a bad mood?"

<DanteE> (AFK a minute. Talk it out! :) )

<Brian> (Isn’t someone we know, or are, on the interesting list?)

<Theresa> "Another theory is that they could maybe 'smell' Kudzu on Ophaniel from him talking with her. Don't tell Ftisk."

<DanteE> (BAK)

<Kite> "Huh."

<DanteE> "Hold on. Whatever happened that day was enough to create some kind of breach...

<DanteE> "Theresa, I remember you and I both had 'flashbacks'.

<Theresa> "Yes."

<DanteE> "And of course, Kudzu wound up, well, 'dreaming'."

<DanteE> "Sam, William, any record of something like that happening before?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Not that I know of."

<Random_Nerd> William: "But Magisters of the Wild are fairly private people."

<Random_Nerd> William: "I mean, as giant alien gods /go/."

<Theresa> "The only way we probably know about is because we're nobles of a Wildlord."

<DanteE> "And Summoning's been easier ever since..."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "That suggests that this is an unusual event."

<DanteE> "It almost looks like a lucky hit from a siege engine."

<Kite> "Maybe it wasn't that the Excrucian fighting HQB was using effective techniques. Maybe HQB was just distracted."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Because Summoning is pretty well documented. If this happened a lot, there would be records of it."

<DanteE> "... as in, distracted by the breach?"

<Theresa> "I got a phrase from Milton for my 'flashback'."

<DanteE> "I wanted to make a crown of Creation material.

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Do we know if the breach went both ways?"

<DanteE> "I think that tells us its origin."

<Theresa> "Excrucians don't read Milton."

<Theresa> "They probably read more..Allen Moore."

<Brian> "Sam, we don't know, but we suspect it's only one way."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh. Okay."

<Carrie> "That one Deceiver had probably read him, actually."

<DanteE> "And considering Time doesn't exist out there there's no way to check..."

<Theresa> "Hmm, that's an idea. Are any Imperators or Nobles missing since then?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Barakiel?"

<Theresa> "Besides him."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And some people have /died/."

<DanteE> "Missing for a different reason."

<Theresa> "And besides JBJ."

<Theresa> *to Carrie* "True, you have a point."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Nobody is missing that I know of except for the... people we know... are missing."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "That sounded better in my head."

<Brian> "Oh, Sam, I have a stick. Can you decipher it?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "A... stick?"

<Theresa> ("'s a stick.")

  • Brian hands Sam the stick.

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yep. That's a stick."

<Random_Nerd> Sam hands it back.

<Random_Nerd> (Is... this a /particular/ stick?)

<Brian> (yeah, the one that what's-his-name etched with the directions to JbJ?)

<Theresa> (Question: Did Barakiel go Lawless before or after the breach day?)

<Random_Nerd> (Ah. You can read that. Nobles know all languages.)

<Random_Nerd> (Sam doesn't!)

<Brian> (oh. Well, then.)

<Random_Nerd> (He knows English, Japanese, a couple dionyl languages to the extent that "language" is a meaningful concept on Dionyl, and a few forms of shorthand.)

<Brian> (let the exchange stand, though, 'cause it's funny)

<Random_Nerd> (Okay.)

<Theresa> (Not really surprised with the Japanese.)

<Random_Nerd> (English and Japanese are the languages all the /movies/ are in!)

<Theresa> (Well, obviously Brian couldn't read it before because he was holding it upside down. When Sam handed it back, it is now right-side-up and readable.)

<Carrie> (There you go.)

<Kite> (Heh)

<Brian> (What about German?)

<Random_Nerd> (Nope.)

<DanteE> (Or, for that matter, Hindi)

<Brian> "By the way, Sam, you should learn German. You'd love it."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "That's the one the bad guys with the skulls on their hats speak, right?"

<Brian> "..."

<Brian> "Also, Germans."

<Random_Nerd> William: "Samuel, we have been over this. World War Two /actually happened/. It was a /real thing/."

<Theresa> "Okay, so let's think of something weird. Let's say that Barakiel used the breech day to invade Outside. A) Why?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I still think you're gaslighting me on that one."

<DanteE> "The Lawbreaker?"

<Brian> "It happened. With less mecha, though."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Tanks are real, though, right?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "Yes. Tanks are real."

<Brian> (quotefile?)

<Theresa> "Dante, not following you. Do you mean the Lawbreaker part of Barakiel made him want to go to the Outside or something else?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It is hard to keep track of these things, okay! I know far more about Earth than everyone in this room put together knows about Dionyl!"

<DanteE> (RN, you never answered Beth's question.)

<Random_Nerd> (Which one?)

<DanteE> (Was the Lawbreaker thing before or after Breach Day?)

<Kite> (One of these days, some Noble is going to take the fictional element out of a movie and E.T. will have so totally happened.)

<Theresa> (He answered me in RL. Barakiel merged with the Lawbreaker after Breech Day, but then time went wonky.)

<Random_Nerd> (Shadows summoned it afterward. He couldn't get it to work until Summoning got easier.)

<Random_Nerd> (But the effects on Barakiel were somewhat retroactive.)

<Theresa> (So, if time went weird, he could have crossed over Lawlessly before he..went Lawless.)

<DanteE> (OK, wacky idea time!)

<DanteE> "You know, we could go back to then.

<DanteE> "If we make nice with Ja Phon."

<Theresa> (Isn't that the Angel who's nuts?)

<Random_Nerd> (He /does/ contain a pathway to the outside.)

<Random_Nerd> (Lightlord, but yes.)

<Theresa> "Do we have anything he'd want? And are we still allowed to bother him? Or did we get banned from there like so many restaurants?"

<DanteE> (Of course, if we really charm him maybe we can go all the way back to the beginning!)

<Random_Nerd> (He's the one who went Outside but came back damaged.)

<Theresa> (Also Brian needs to read his stick.)

  • Angelo ( has joined #Nobilis

<Angelo> Hi Guys!

<DanteE> (Hiya Angelo!)

<DanteE> (Time out to get him up to speed?)

<Random_Nerd> Brian, the stick has a set of somewhat poetic descriptions of how to follow a path through the Deep Mythic to get to a location.

-+-+- End of Beth log -+-+-

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``And, lo, I saw Rubbermaid Heaven!

=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Verithe on 14 marzo 2014 01:11:30

<Angelo> Hi Guys!

<DanteE> (Hiya Angelo!)

<DanteE> (Time out to get him up to speed?)

<Random_Nerd> Brian, the stick has a set of somewhat poetic descriptions of how to follow a path through the Deep Mythic to get to a location.

<Kite> (I don't think we've moved far enough that he can't catch up.)

<DanteE> (I guess Ftisk could bound in from... wherever. :) )

<Theresa> (Hi Angelo!)

<Theresa> (Oh crud. I totally forgot to mention Daylight Savings Time. Angelo, I am so sorry.)

=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk

<Kite> (Also we totally mentioned a certain someone out of Ftisk's earshot.)

<DanteE> (Yeah, that was last Sunday. We're an hour ahead.)

<Ftisk> (well some times happen, Beth)

<Ftisk> (next time I will know to start one ahead, what I lost?)

<Carrie> (We're in the conference room talking at each other.)

<DanteE> (your marbles, at some point... :p )

<Theresa> (We're trying to figure out the Breech Day stuff and Dante has just announced that he is going to have a Wacky Idea.)

<DanteE> (I just said it, the Ja Phon thing)

<Theresa> (Well, yes, but I wanted you to explain it to Ftisk.  :) )

<Ftisk> (the Ja Phon?)

<DanteE> "How is Ja Phon doing lately?"

<Theresa> (We go visit the Lightlord who got broken by Outside, again.)

<Random_Nerd> (Ja Phon is a Lightlord who went Outside, and came back cognitively damaged. You found out that he has a connection to the Outside somewhere in his mind.)

<Ftisk> (ah, the one we go literally inside his head, right?)

<Random_Nerd> William is startled by the question: "The same I... no, you know. I don't actually know, I was just assuming."

<Random_Nerd> He puts his finger to the silver sphere in his ear and concentrates.

<DanteE> (Hm... that would mean he might have experienced something on Breach Day)

<Random_Nerd> William: "He... actually is doing better. He has been more lucid of late."

<DanteE> "_Really._"

<Random_Nerd> William: "Not entirely so. He still needs... keepers... to keep him from harming himself or others."

<Kite> "Should we bring him body parts? What is he missing?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "But apparently he is somewhat more like he once was."

<DanteE> "Since Breach Day?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "I don't know. I'm sorting through a summary in the Oracle. But some time since then, yeah. The process has been gradual, and inconsistent."

<Theresa> (Wrong J person, Kite. You're thinking Jan Ben Jan.)

<Random_Nerd> William: "But it is at least consistent with that theory."

<Theresa> "Wow."

<DanteE> "Maybe we should say Hi. Bring a gift basket."

<Kite> (Ja Phon was missing parts, wasn't he?)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Physical parts?)

<DanteE> (He was missing _marbles_.)

<Theresa> "What do you get the Lightlord who lost his mind out in Outside?"

<Kite> (Yeah.)

<Kite> "Fish!"

<DanteE> "... well, it is brain food..."

<Ftisk> "And sparkling toys!"

<Random_Nerd> (I actually don't recall if he was missing body parts, but he hasn't appeared in the game for five years. Give me a moment to check some stuff.)

  • Theresa smiles. "That's what we get _you_, Kite. Wrapped in silver paper."

<Kite> "Yesssss!"

<DanteE> (He doesn't have Nobles, right?)

  • Brian tosses Kite a tin foil ball

<Random_Nerd> (Correct.)

  • Kite snatches the ball.

<Ftisk> "Kite, don't let them gift you, that brought no good in my case with Ophaniel"

<DanteE> (Does he have Estates?)

<Random_Nerd> (He has various Aides who're assigned to watch over him. It's not a posting any one person has for a long time.)

<Random_Nerd> (And there are Nobles who check in on him.)

<Kite> "I do not intend to be a gift, Ftisk. I belong to Lord Vulcan only."

<Ftisk> (great reply K.)

<Ftisk> "Belongness is overrated..."

<Kite> "It's a duty and a choice."

<Random_Nerd> (And, yes, he has Estates.)

<Random_Nerd> (But he lost one, when he was Outside.)

<Brian> "Ftisk, some people choose to belong only to one"

<Brian> "For others, that would be a burden. And maintaining that burden can be a virtue in and of itself."

<Ftisk> "Well, at each their own then"

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, hey, you already knew that it had some effect on him!)

<Random_Nerd> ( <DanteE> (Logic: Whatever happened on Breach Day affected those with ties to outside. It affected Ja Phon. Which means Ja Phon has ties to Outside. Which he shouldn't... unless he's not the same Ja Phon))

<DanteE> "OK, so... two questions. Would it be possible to go back to Breach Day, and would it be worthwhile?"

<DanteE> "Or maybe just before..."

<Random_Nerd> William: "Go back to it in what sense?"

<Ftisk> "We need a Delorean!"

<DanteE> "Temporal, William."

<Kite> "What is a delorean?"

<Ftisk> "And possibly some badboy willing to shot us?"

<Brian> "awesome."

<Theresa> "Kite, it's a type of car, that, in a movie, was used as a time machine."

<Ftisk> "A type of car that can travel in the timeflux but only under some strange condictions"

<Brian> "88 mph."

<Kite> "Huh."

<Random_Nerd> (Heh! Luc told you that he was more lucid that day! Five years ago!)

<Random_Nerd> (�1 <Random_Nerd> L: "Okay, so Ja Phon did not go crazier that day. Rather, for a series of several hours, he was actually quite lucid. Much more than usual."�)

<DanteE> "and 1.21 gigawatts."

<Ftisk> "In a movie? wasn't a documentary on time travel? Drat!"

<Brian> "But we can time travel."

<Brian> "And I'm sure Kite could assemble a flux capacitor"

<DanteE> "We can?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "In a sense, yes. By the Mythic."

<Kite> (Which could imply that he was more connected to the parts he lost Outside on Breach Day.)

<Ftisk> (afk)

<Kite> "Show me the specs and I will attempt to help us go back to that day we were already at!"

<Theresa> "How much power do we need to have to move through the Mythic?"

<DanteE> (Yep, it seems to indicate his mind is still mostly out there.)

<Brian> "1.21 gigawatts, obviously."

<Random_Nerd> William: "Well, as it's been explained to me, it's not the same thing as it would be in the movies. At least as far as it concerns Nobles and Imperators and other beings of the Spiritus Dei."

<Random_Nerd> William: "That it's more like being in a story about the past than like stepping into a time machine."

<Ftisk> (back)

<Ftisk> (anyone interested, this offer came with the weekly newsletter: http://rpg. drivethrustuff. com/product_info.php?products_id=56969&it=1&SRC=Newsletter_OFT_text )

<DanteE> "We want the prologue of The Battle of Breach Day, then."

<Random_Nerd> (You actually did this once before. By accident. In Ja Phon's mind, appropriately enough.)

<Random_Nerd> (You met Ebrot Appeka. The original one, I mean.)

<Brian> (yep!)

<Theresa> (And got a cup of..angel blood? Lightlord blood? Forget whose. I gave it to JBJ.)

<Random_Nerd> (Angel blood.)

<Theresa> (That's probably why I thought Ja Phon was an angel. I thought it was his blood.)

<Random_Nerd> (Ah. No, it was Appeka's.)

<Theresa> (Ah yes, we got to meet Appeka before the 3rd Age Crumble.)

<Kite> (Though there were blood things going on with Ja Phon. Just...other blood things.)

<Random_Nerd> (But the cup of blood wasn't his.)

<Kite> (Right.)

<DanteE> "If we really can do sort-of-time-travel, there are a bunch of questions we could find answers to.

<Random_Nerd> (The other blood was from the Aide who was his current nursemaid, right?)

<DanteE> "Breach Day, certainly, but several from even farther back.

<Kite> (Yeah)

<DanteE> (Did we figure out IC that Kudzu had a Chancel before Amyra, or was that strictly OOC?)

<Theresa> "But if it takes a lot of energy, we're going to have to ration our trips."

<Random_Nerd> (A chancel?)

<Theresa> (He likes Amyra for some reason and I think there was something about a boat being here?)

<Random_Nerd> (You know that there was a previous noble of Weaponry, specifically. And that Kudzu stole that estate from Azazel.)

<DanteE> (Yep.)

<Random_Nerd> (But that wasn't a noble of Kudzu's.)

<Brian> (I thought we knew that he had a previous set of Nobles? That implies a chancel.)

<Theresa> (No, I don't think he had a previous set of Nobles. Just that Weaponry was older.)

<Random_Nerd> (...I honestly do not recall what you are referring to. Am I having a sudden GM brain-failure here?)

<DanteE> (It may have been OOC talk, which is why I asked.

<Ftisk> (I _vaguely_ recall all this as an hypothesis)

<DanteE> (But I think at some point we figured Kudzu had Nobles in the past and somehow lost them.)

<Brian> (I kinda remember that)

<Theresa> (No, we got flashback stuff kind of. And there was the 'off' versions of us from the Giant-kiln-blood-cult thing.)

<DanteE> (That's it. The Cult had to come from somewhere.)

<Brian> (But I suppose it may have just been inferred, and something that I just held on to for so on.)

<Random_Nerd> (I really do not think that Kudzu had previous Nobles.)

<DanteE> (Then who was the Cult worshipping?)

<Random_Nerd> (It is possible that I just forgot a plotline. But I think that was a theory you had.)

<Random_Nerd> (They were worshipping their distorted ideas of what you were.)

<DanteE> (Doesn't the Cult predate the Chancel?)

<Brian> (That's what we thought at the time, at least)

<DanteE> (It would have to have caught the Giant)

<Random_Nerd> (They do.)

<Random_Nerd> (But they have a connection to Kudzu. So when he enchanceled, it affected them.)

<Carrie> (I seem to recall, from the Cult's introduction, that they were worshippers of Kudzu originally, and unsolicited.)

<Theresa> (Hmm, retroactive faces put on ideas.)

<Carrie> (And then at some stage they had a falling out and became corrupted. Don't think we got the details, though.)

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah.)

<DanteE> (Ah, but how could there be a connection if Kudzu didn't have a presence on Earth before?)

<Random_Nerd> (Excrucians were involved.)

<Random_Nerd> (He didn't have a chancel.)

<Random_Nerd> (He was still, y'know, around.)

<Random_Nerd> (Kudzu's been on Earth for what is, in human terms, a fairly long while. Since the last Age.)

<DanteE> (OK. Anyway...)

<DanteE> "All right, then, how can we get to right before Breach Day?"

  • Kite hands Dante some goggles with all the shiny bits removed.

<Random_Nerd> William: "Well, as I understand it, which is /very/ little, time on the deep Mythic works by... affinity, I suppose I'd say?"

  • DanteE checks out the goggles...

<Random_Nerd> William: "You would pick some person or thing that was characteristic of that time, and would try to head toward it."

  • Kite offers similar goggles to everyone else.

<Random_Nerd> William: "So, if you were trying to get to the First Age, you might try to seek out the Most Ancient Lord."

  • Ftisk put the goggles on

  • Brian puts the goggles on

<Brian> "Do we go back in time or to see Jan Ben Jan?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "For only a few months ago... I don't know. It's not a /specific/ process."

<DanteE> "Would we go through the intervening times while doing that?"

  • Theresa will put on her goggles. You never know if Kite's going to suddenly flash.

<Random_Nerd> William: "And you wouldn't be able to get to the Prosaic version of that time, because it no longer exists."

  • DanteE puts on the goggles

<Brian> (but T, the goggles would do nothing!)

<DanteE> (Any of you play Guns of Icarus?)

  • Kite dons his own goggles....which have all the shiny bits that were stripped from the other goggles attached to it.)

<Theresa> (Nope.)

<Random_Nerd> (Nope.)

<Brian> (Kite: are the lenses "shiny"?)

<Kite> (Nope.)

<Ftisk> (nope)

<Kite> (And yes)

<Random_Nerd> (So, just so I understand, what's the goal in getting to a pre-Breach area of the Mythic?)

<DanteE> (Imagine, if you will, steampunk zeppelin battles. :) )

<DanteE> (So we can see what actually happened on Breach Day...

<Random_Nerd> (How?)

<Random_Nerd> (I mean, you were there for it the first time.)

<DanteE> (and/or see what happened to the schedule on that day)

<Brian> (Brian wants to see Ophaniel's fight.)

<DanteE> (Not really. We were in Amyra, not on the front lines.)

<Random_Nerd> (Ah. You might be able to find that.)

<Theresa> (We would have to have the exact moment that 'someone' looked at the schedule. That could have happened at any time once the schedule was made.)

<Theresa> (Dante - no, we were at Jaris' chancel. That was a front line.)

<DanteE> (Would there be a hardcopy?)

<Kite> (Should we station various observers at the events we want to see?)

<DanteE> (T: ah, but we were visiting the King when we got those flashbacks)

<Kite> (Poor King....)

<Random_Nerd> (Finding the exact moment /and/ location that you want will be very, very tricky.)

<Theresa> (Why would there be a hardcopy? They're Imperators. Entropy says jump, the Imperators say fish.)

<Random_Nerd> (This is the sort of thing that's more a matter of "Travel back to the Second Age" rather than "Travel back to 1:37 PM on January 27th 1972")

<DanteE> (So, he tells each one in person?)

<Brian> (I rather get that it's easier if someone "pulls" you along?)

<Random_Nerd> (From what William said, he does it himself, or sends one of his Nobles, or tasks a random person.)

<Random_Nerd> (But Imperators have ways of talking to each other than just being in their physical presence.)

<Random_Nerd> (I guess the question is... so, you want to eavesdrop on a conversation Entropy had with Kudzu?)

<Brian> (... kinda?)

<DanteE> (Hm... if we go through the intervening times when traveling, we could head toward _before_ then, and just get off at the right time)

<Random_Nerd> (It's not a matter of flipping back a clock.)

<Random_Nerd> (It's a matter of wandering through a timeless fairyland until you find a bit that you recognize.)

<DanteE> "William, did the guy who attacked Jaris leave anything behind?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "Blood, I believe. Scraps of armor. But not a blightstone."

<DanteE> "Could we use those to go back?"

<Random_Nerd> William: "Maybe? I don't know. I'm not a Noble."

<Theresa> "Wait...I know that we'd have to travel via the Mythic..would we even be able to _recognize_ anything?"

<Ftisk> "Maybe Theresa"

<DanteE> "What we see may tell us a lot...

<Random_Nerd> (On the eavesdropping thing, I'll say this. Eavesdropping on Entropy in the past would be no /easier/ than eavesdropping on him right now.)

<Random_Nerd> (And it would probably be somewhat harder.)

<DanteE> "If we see a symbol of great betrayal, then the theory about a mole is right.

<Theresa> "But Dante, what if it's like the time we looked at a town in the mythic and got a half goat half mermaid?"

<Kite> "Either that or the Noble of Betrayal is nearby."

<Theresa> "Okay, how about this. We go visit Jan Ben Jan and then try time-travel?"

<Brian> "I think, honestly, we can wait on this. We sho .... yes, what T said."

<DanteE> "All right.

<DanteE> "Funny thing about time travel, you can _start_ almost any time. :) "

<Ftisk> "okie dokie"

<Kite> "Awww."

<Theresa> "Okay, Brian, what's the directions?"

  • Kite removes his goggles.

  • Brian hands T the stick

<Brian> "you'll want the goggles, Kite."

<Theresa> "Don't worry, Kite. I'm sure that there will be shiny on the way."

<Kite> "Oh, good!"

  • DanteE puts his goggles away...

  • Theresa reads the stick. How difficult is the trip going to be?"

  • Kite puts his goggles back on.

<Random_Nerd> It will take at least some use of miraculous force to get to the Deep Mythic quickly.

<Brian> (except that this is Amyra! It has Paths to Places! The Deep Mythic is a Place!)

<Brian> "Sam! Find us a Path to the Deep Mythic!"

<Brian> (... it may not Work That Way)

<DanteE> "Maybe we should bring something we can trade to Jan ben Jan. I'm low on kidneys."

<Theresa> (I wouldn't be surprised it doesn't work that way.)

<Brian> "We've got Ftisk."

<Theresa> "He already has part of Ftisk."

<Ftisk> "me? What?"

<Theresa> "I think we've all given something, haven't we?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Boss, that is like a bird asking a slug to hire him an airplane."

<Brian> "and that is what is good in the Deep Mythic!"

<Kite> "Hint: we can already fly."

<DanteE> "Some of us."

  • Ftisk nod nod

<Brian> (is it easier for me or T because we have Amyra powers?)

<DanteE> (Maybe this should be next week?)

<Random_Nerd> (Probably! It's obvious how you would go about it.)

<DanteE> (Er, 2 weeks hence)

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, doing it next session makes sense. We're getting near end time, and this would take a while.)

<Random_Nerd> (In the meantime, read the section in the Nobilis 3rd book that starts on page 98!)

<Brian> (we go there now, and start there next session?)

<Kite> "You're not a bird right now, Dante."

<DanteE> "Don't need to be, Kite."

<Brian> (ok!)

<DanteE> (I can fly, remember?)

<Kite> "If you want to be who I was referring to, you do."

<Random_Nerd> (The flying is a metaphor.)

<Random_Nerd> (Sam is not actually a slug.)

<Ftisk> (ARE we sure Sam in NOT a slug????)

<DanteE> (OK...)

<Random_Nerd> __________STOP___________

<Ftisk> (Sluuuuuuuug)

=-= Kite is now known as Verithe

<Random_Nerd> So, was there anything in that session that was unclear?

<Random_Nerd> Because it seemed like we were talking at cross purposes for a while.

=-= Theresa is now known as BethE

<DanteE> OK, how many wild geese did we chase?

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

=-= YOU are now known as Angelo

<DanteE> ...All of them! Got it.

=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood

<Random_Nerd> I don't understand the time travel thing. It seemed like you fixated on doing that, and then tried to find a way to make it be useful.

<Verithe> I'm sure we missed a few wild geese.

<Angelo> I believe is wasted effort to go to Ja Phon, but will go with other für lolz

<Random_Nerd> But, like, Ja Phon having been affected by Breach Day was a thing.

<Random_Nerd> It's back in the logs from then, if you look!

=-= Carrie is now known as Etheric

<Knockwood> If we could time travel back to the "front lines" on Breach Day--the Wall, basically--we could see what happened.

=-= Brian is now known as lazarus

<Random_Nerd> But you already talked to Ophaniel about what happened.

<Random_Nerd> Or do you think she's lying?

<Angelo> Knock, the front line then was at the channel were we fought (I believe)

<Verithe> If the idea was to talk to Ja Phong while he was lucid in order to find out what he knows about the Outside, that might make sense to me.

<Knockwood> That could also work.

<Random_Nerd> And she can interpret the Spirit World a lot better than a Noble could.

<Verithe> As far as figuring out how to share Estates.

<Knockwood> But, with Ophaniel, we only have one viewpoint.

<Knockwood> And she didn't know everything that happened with the others. Not first hand, anyway.

<Random_Nerd> True. So you were going to go watch Gamaliel? Or Barakiel?

<Knockwood> Well, if we had finer control we could trace Entropy's orders and see if they actually did make it Outside.

<lazarus> I almost wanted to see Ophaniel being asked to take Kudzu's place. See why and what happened there.

<lazarus> and who else was spying

<lazarus> but of course there's also the "if we spy, we might retroactively have been the ones who caused Outside to know things" business.

<Random_Nerd> Could be!

<Knockwood> Of course, how exactly did they coordinate the attack if they don't have Time there? :p

<Random_Nerd> Easy. From their perspective, they're attacking, not a moment, but a /location/. A point of affinity.

<lazarus> Perfect Timing?

<Angelo> kindness or association?

<Random_Nerd> Wherever they attack is, from their perspective, where they attack.

<Random_Nerd> The people who are doing that thing are in the place and time where the people who are doing that thing are.

<Random_Nerd> By definition!

<Knockwood> so, they have Space?

<Random_Nerd> They have some system of relationships between things.

<Random_Nerd> For which space is a better metaphor than time.

<Random_Nerd> Because it isn't sequential.

<lazarus> and, amusingly, ends up being the right time and the right place.

<Knockwood> Then again, couldn't they get an account from later and use that?

<Random_Nerd> They could.

<Knockwood> Like that old time travel cliche of picking up a history book from the future

<Random_Nerd> But if it's from later from a Creation perspective, why wouldn't it include the Kudzu-Ophaniel swap?

<Random_Nerd> Unless whoever gave them the info was deliberately messing with it, I guess.

<Knockwood> Conclusion: A place without time or space is fucking confusing. QEB.

<lazarus> /that/ is an interesting question.

<lazarus> (Quad Est Bizzarre?)

<Knockwood> (Quite Elementary Bullshit)

<Random_Nerd> But, yes. It is entirely possible that the information came from anywhere in Creation's timeframe in which it existed.

<lazarus> (erat. arg.)

<lazarus> anyway. Good game!

<lazarus> Good night!

<Knockwood> g'night Laz

<Random_Nerd> See you guys next week!

<Angelo> night laz

<Verithe> Good night!

|<-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: Always try to be modest, and be proud about it!)

<Verithe> I shall bid you all farewell as well! Tata!

<Knockwood> g'night V

|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 27.0.1/20140212131424])

<BethE> Huh. Here's a question: We know that Kudzu switched with Oph from Wall Duty. But do we know why?

<BethE> I mean, it would have had to have been _before_ Breech Day even happened, so it couldn't have been 'I'm having a Breech Headache."

<Random_Nerd> I don't think you've asked him.

<BethE> So, it's possible that..Kudzu is the mole.

<Angelo> Mimic!

<Knockwood> Then why wasn't Ophaniel attacked with Angel tactics?

<Knockwood> Then again, this whole line of investigation assumes that Logic is a thing. :P

<Random_Nerd> There is an explanation.

<Random_Nerd> This isn't just an arbitrary sequence of events.

<Random_Nerd> There is a specific chain of causation here, at least as far as the in-Creation side goes.

<BethE> Oph wasn't attacked with Angel tactics because Kudzu told them that _he_ would be there?

<Knockwood> If Kudzu is the mole, there's no reason for there to be a Wildlord-tactics attack at all. Why kill your mole?

<BethE> Huh, Kudzu could be a double agent. Since he had Oph be at the Wall instead of him, she prevented a full attack but the Breech still happened to get the Warmains more like Creation.

<BethE> Because not attacking him would stand out, if _everyone_ was being attacked.

<Knockwood> not if whoever attacked him was just a feint

<Knockwood> That's a good reason to travel back, to see if someone wasn't attacked

<Random_Nerd> Okay, here's a question. What makes you think that there's a mole, rather than some other method for them to get the info?

<Random_Nerd> (I'm not saying it isn't, just analyzing the reasoning here.)

<Knockwood> because there's no hardcopy

<Angelo> You (RN) told us that there is a Mimic that we already meet

<Random_Nerd> Yep.

<Random_Nerd> Anyway! See you next week!

<Angelo> ok, next week RN!

<Knockwood> Cya RN

|<-- Etheric has left (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.)

|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: Knockwood)

<Angelo> Beth, can you send me your log copy?

<BethE> Sure, Angelo!

<Angelo> thx!

<BethE> Good night, Angelo!

<Angelo> Night! :-)

|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )

<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 37