WTNewWorldOrder:NPCS:World Leaders

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Eric Carey[edit]

Pro-meta-rights activist and rumored meta politician in the United States. After his election to governor of Virginia his family was viciously attacked by the terrorist group Humans First. His younger daughter and young son were the only survivors.

Jackson Cotswold[edit]

British Member of Parliament in the House of Commons. He has been making news with comments that British metahumans needs to be registered and closely monitored if not simply taken into government service as in Argentina. So far he has not actually introduced any legislation to that effect, but it is likely a matter of time.


"The Wolf." An rumored metahuman Somali warlord who has named himself dictator for life. The veracity of this rumor currently cannot be confirmed as all borders are closed.

Fatimah Ghaffour[edit]

Openly metahuman pro-democracy candidate for President of Egypt. The ruling junta has banned her candidacy, but her followers have sworn to carry out a write-in campaign. If elected she will be the first openly metahuman world leader.

Ana Andrea Irazusta[edit]

President of Argentina. President Irazusta set off weeks of rioting and a refugee crisis after announcing all metahumans would no longer be considered citizens but would instead be considered a natural resource to be placed in service of the Argentinian government. Despite the controversy other governments have started to follow her lead.