WTNewWorldOrder:Player Characters:Vanished's History

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The child of one British and one American parent, Vanished considers himself an American with a British passport despite the fact his family actually lives in London. He was already a world class competitive pistol shot prior to his development of powers after the fall of Zenita. Unable to make the cut for the American team, he tried out for the British Olympic shooting team and qualified as the alternate. He was marching in the Opening Ceremonies when the Mekaniak made his attack on the London Olympics. David jumped into the fray to help rescue the endangered masses, revealing his metahuman abilities in the process. Hoping to evade the attention of the authorities Moss fled the scene without making a statement.

Unfortunately the agents of Project Torchwood were easily able to identify him, as there are few Olympians and their names are all documented. The metahuman strike force "Britain's Finest," made up of Majesty, Dragoon, and Empire were dispatched to collect him. Vanished panicked and attempted to shoot Majesty in the head, fortunately failing, before turning incorporeal in an attempt to escape into the basement, only to be stopped by Empire's psychic hold. He reached a compromise with Torchwood: in return for them dropping charges for his attempted murder of Majesty he would become an agent of the organization, working under the code name "Vanished." In order to protect his family from the fallout of this allegiance Torchwood erased all records of Moss's identity, allowing him to start over entirely. He still regards the situation as essentially a life sentence, though he is happy enough not to be serving it in prison.

David was immediately assigned as the full time bodyguard to Dr. Alex Russell, a fact they both resent. He has also began to serve as something of a mentor to Rabbit, to their mutual surprise.

Despite all the precautions in place Vanished's mother has recently been identified and followed by an unknown stalker looking for him. He is in the process of identifying how that could have happened.