XCOM - The Beginning
- Jack of All Backgrounds - Pick any Four Skills
- Civilian - Culture/Any, Profession/Any, Steward, Any (1)
- Politician - Culture/Any, Leadership, Persuade, Steward
- Priest - Culture/Religion, Leadership, Persuade, Religion
- Researcher - Culture/Any, Perception, Science, Tech/Any
- Scholar - Culture/Any, History, Instructor, Science
- Soldier - Combat/Projectile, Combat/Unarmed, Culture/Any, Tactics
- Technician - Computer, Culture/Any, Tech/any (2)
- Worker - Culture/Any, Profession/Any, Vehicle/Any, Any one skill
Skill Changes
- Culture - Continents - Asia, North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Central/South America, Russia, Middle East, Mediterranean, Criminal, Religion (choose one)
- Combat - all except Energy and Psitech
- Exosuit - Not allowed
- Tech
- Aeronautics - ability to work on all types of aircraft
- Mechanical - the catch all. Mechanical and electronic technology including almost all of the technology in use in modern society
- Vehicle - Air, Land, and Water only
- Civilian Weapons - Legal in most areas.
- Military Grade Weapon - Illegal without a license or part of the military/law enforcement. Military grade are any weapons with burst or that require Gunnery Skill to use. Also includes any weapon systems that uses an explosives (grenades). Civilian versions of these weapons (except gunnery weapons and explosives) are available. They cost the same but the "burst" capability has been removed.