Tommy Leadfoot

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Name: Tommy Leadfoot

Player: JustinCognito

Chronicle: Creation Myths

Nature: Architect

Essence: Questing

Demeanor: Loner

Tradition: Dreamspeakers

Concept: Shamanic Mechanic



Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3

Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2

Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3


Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Subterfuge 2

Crafts 4 (Automotive Repair +0), Drive 3, Firearms 2, Meditation 2, Survival 1, Technology 2

Academics 1, Cosmology 2, Enigmas 1, Investigation 1, Occult 2


Forces 2 (tire gauge), Matter 1 (wrench), Spirit 3 (a bleached eagle bone)


Backgrounds: Avatar 3, Resources 1, Dream 1, Wonder 3 (an awakened 1968 GTO that responds to Tommy's spoken requests)

Arete: 3

Willpower: 5

Resonance: Dynamic 1 (Exploratory)

Quintessence: 3

Paradox: 0

Rotes: Spirit Signals (Spirit 2)- allows Tommy to call particular spirits to his side

Speed Like The Wind (Forces 2) - allows Tommy to speed up or slow down a moving object

Quick Check-Up (Matter 1) - determine whether or not an object is in good repair instantly, as well as where any potential problems may lie.

Shifting Blinkers (Spirit 1)- allows Tommy to peer into the Umbra

Merits and Flaws[edit]

Daredevil (3 point Merit) Stormwarden (3 point Merit) Addiction (Nicotine) (1 point Flaw) Short Fuse (2 point Flaw)


Colt .45 (for when magic just won't work) in a shoulder holster

A leather satchel, filled with both his mundane tools and his foci

A small bag full of desert sand for use in summoning rituals


Tommy Windsong got pretty sick of the whole shaman thing very quickly growing up. As far as he saw it, it wasn't getting any of his family anywhere; they kept focusing on the past while the future was right in from of them. That was probably why they'd been stuck on the reservation so long. The worst of them was his grandmother; she kept talking about how Tommy showed all the signs of a great shaman. She was almost unbearable when Tommy came out of the closet as a "two spirit", as she called it.

Still, Tommy loved her, which made it especially hard when she died. Tommy was still in high school at the time, working part time as a mechanic and saving towards a used 1968 GTO. As the days passed after Tommy's grandmother's death and as he got closer to his goal, he thought he was going mad. He thought he could hear some of the old clunkers that came in whispering, and could often tell what was wrong with a car before he touched it. He pressed on, though, telling himself that it was all just some form of stress.

When he finally saved up enough money to buy the car, Tommy couldn't help but take her out for a test drive. As he sped her up, though, he kept hearing a voice in the back of his head, getting louder and louder and louder. Tommy searched desperately for the source of the voice, not paying attention to the road. He flipped over going 90 miles per hour. When he woke up, he found himself in a desert that was both barren and rich at the same time, lying by the side of a comatose women with torn steel skin. He tried to wake the mysterious woman, shaking her and talking to her. When she finally opened her eyes, she pointed behind him. Tommy turned around to see a man with skin as red as brick and hair dancing in the wind. Before snapping back to consciousness, Hastseltsi, god of racing, told him, "Well, it's about damn time."

After getting out of the hospital, Tommy went up into the attic and found his grandmother's journal. He found stories he couldn't understand, but which he knew made sense. After graduating high school, he set out on the road with Gina (his GTO, which Awakened when Tommy did), his new name, and a handful of medicine man knowledge.

In the time since leaving the reservation, Tommy's learned more about the Dreamspeakers and has accepted his role as a shaman. He's joined the Ghost Wheel Society, having experienced first-hand that spirit rests in steel as well as flesh. Tommy has joined the cabal in order to help others realize their potential, as well as out of the hope of seeing an Awakened world where all recognize the service of the spirits that make life what it is.

Appearance and Personality[edit]

Tommy has skin the color of red clay, and keeps his long black hair in a ponytail. He usually wears a mechanic's shirt with his name on a patch over the pocket, dirty blue jeans and black engineer boots. He tries to help others as much as he can, but he knows that he has a short temper, so he prefers to stay out of "impossible" situations.