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Christopher Brycewood

Head of the London branch of Torchwood. He is responsible for the decision to hire Dr.Russell.

Malcolm Glass

Glass works for Project: Torchwood. He has been acting as the official coordinator of this taskforce. Glass is a gentleman in his fifties, with close cut grey hair and a habitual dark suit.

Ifan Jones

Head Librarian at Torchwood.

Maggie Taylor

Department secretary on the seventh floor, makes the best coffee in Torchwood. She will trade it for chocolate.

Metahuman Agents

There are nine known metahuman agents in the employ of Torchwood.

Three - Majesty, Dragoon, and Empire - make up the team "Britain's Finest." While they are not as visible as the American's Patriot Squad when required they will act as the public face of Torchwood's metahumans. Their techniques are (mostly) non-lethal and are (usually) the first agents a suspected metahuman criminal operating in the United Kingdom will encounter.

Four - Daylight, Caution, Redoubt, and Valour - make up "The Crosses." Usually they are called in to handle situations expected to require lethal force or when the intervention of Britain's Finest has been insufficient, though they handle other missions as well. Their team designation and code names are not officially known outside of Torchwood, though the film of their involvement in the Olympics attack means that rumors of Torchwood's second squad are widespread.

The final two known metahumans working for Torchwood are Dr. Russell in the research division and her bodyguard, code named Vanished. The internal Torchwood rumor mill suggests a third, investigative team is forming around Dr. Russell, but this has not been confirmed.

Knowledgeable, or at least healthily paranoid, members of Torchwood and the public assume there are others as well.