A list of Spirit Magics
Spirit Magics and Types
Ceremonial Magics
- Armoring Enchantment 1
- Binding Enchantment 3
- MP Matrix Enchantment
- Spell Matrix Enchantment
- Strengthening Enchantment
- Summon (Species)
Spirit Magics
- Befuddle 2
- Bladesharp var
- Bludgeon var
- Control (Species/spirits) 1
- Ghost
- Wraith
- Disease spirit
- Healing spirit
- Spell spirit
- Intellect spirits
- Magic spirits,
- Power spirits,
- Elemental spirits
- Nymphs
- Passion spirits
- Coordination var
- Countermagic var
- Darkwall 2
- Demoralize 2
- Detect Enemy 1
- Detect Magic 1
- Detect (Substance) 1
- Gold
- Silver
- Gems
- Life
- Undead
- Traps
- Detection
- Dispel Magic var
- Disruption 1
- Dullblade var
- Endurance var
- Extinguish var
- Fanaticism 1
- Farsee var
- Firearrow 2
- Fireblade 4
- Glamour var
- Glue var
- Heal var
- Ignite 1
- Ironhand var
- Light 1
- Lightwall 4
- Mindspeech var
- Mobility var
- Multimissile var
- Protection var
- Repair var
- Second Sight 3
- Shimmer var
- Silence var
- Slow var
- Speedart 1
- Spirit Screen var
- Strength var
- Vigor var
- Visibility 2
Cult spirit magics Spell Source
- Conceal Item Pavis
- Detection Blank RQ2 Rulebook
- Face of Lanbril Pavis
- Food Song Cults of Prax, Gods of Glorantha
- Forget Pavis
- Heat Metal Gods of Glorantha, Troll Gods
- Ignite Flesh Lords of Terror
- Image Creation Cults of Terror
- Invisibility RQ2 Rulebook
- Jumping Cults of Prax
- Lantern Cults of Prax, Gods of Glorantha, Sun County
- Parry Cults of Prax
- Peaceful Cut Gods of Glorantha, Troll Gods
- Preserve Herbs Cults of Prax
- River Eyes Gods of Glorantha, River of Cradles
- Sleep Cults of Prax, Gods of Glorantha, River of Cradles
- Sneeze Cults of Terror
- Solace Troll Gods, TrollPak2
- Stone Biting Cults of Prax
- Toothsharp Variation on ironhand/bladesharp.
- True Net Cults of Terror, Gods of Glorantha, Lords of Terror