Percy, Human Warrior, 19 yrs Health 4 Will 4 Skills Fighter 4, Hunter 3, Commander 2, Mentor 2, Rider 2, Survivalist 4, Haggler 3 Traits Heart of Battle 1, Foolhardy 2 Wises Busy Crossroads-Wise Nature: Human 4; boaster, listen to my elders (grudgingly…), NO FEAR Circles & Relationships: 4; my friend is Poppy Roundbottom the Cook, my parents are the Outriders and pony postmen (Rider) Jim and Frank, and my mentor is Laiquend Among-the-Rushes (Survivalist) Resources: 0 Raiment: a necklace of wooden spoons from Poppy, a horseshoe bracelet from my dads, and a mother-of-pearl charm hanging from the pommel of my sword from Among-the-Rushes Gear: satchel [torches, tinderbox, large sack], belt pouch [preserved rations], skin [water], leather armor, helmet, cloak, shoes, sword Alignment: Unaffiliated Belief: Fools may rush in, but cowards die a thousand deaths Instinct: At the first flutterings, banish my fears! NO FEAR! Well, at least when I'm somewhere safe... Goal: Find out what happened here (the Inn) Conditions: Fresh!