Dastandri Errynsson

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- Main Page; The Prax Adventure

A Character Sheet Contents

   1 Background and Story
   2 Character Details
   3 Characteristics
   4 Skill Groups
   5 Magical Abilities
   6 Hit Points and Armour
   7 Weapons and Shields
   8 Equipment
   9 Pictures

Background and Story

Jaroltor grew up as the younger child of a half-carl, and had a fairly uneventful childhood. When the rebellion started, he followed his older sister, Rana, to war. She was an up-and-coming Vingan bearing a magical javelin, and he was still a child. He was assigned as a runner and aide, carrying messages between clan leaders during the fighting and helping to move supplies and people otherwise. Rana was killed in skirmishing outside Larnste's Table as the army retreated from the Lunar arrival. Jaroltor retrieved her body after the Lunar lines had moved on, burying her in the hills. He turned 16 while encamped, waiting for his leaders to surrender. After returning home and delivering the crushing news to his parents, he left, unable to stay and not willing to burden his clan with his cow tax. He bears his sisters javelin as a memento and a reminder. Character Details

   Name: Jaroltor
   Cult: Initiate: Zola Fel. Lay Member: Lhankor Mhy
   Race: Human
   Gender: Male


Str: 10, Con: 13, Siz: 11, Int: 14, Pow: 13, Dex: 16:, Cha: 15.

   Hit Points: 12
   Total Fatigue Points: 23
   Total Magic Points: 13
   Damage Bonus: +0
   Current Fatigue: 23
   Current Magic Points: 13

Skill Groups

   Communication: +8%
       Bargain (5%): 33%
       Fast Talk (5%):
       Orate (5%): 27%
       Sing (15%):
       Language [Sartarite] (INTx5%):70%
       Language [Trade] (INTx3%):64%
       Language [xxxxx]
       Conceal (5%):
       Device (5%):
       Sleight of Hand (5%):
       Instrument [xxx] (0%)
   Knowledge: +8%
       Evaluate (5%): 25
       First Aid (10%): 30
       Shiphandling (0%):
       Craft [xxxx] (10%):
       Lore [xxxx] (5%):
       Read/Write [Sartarite](0%): 20%
       Read/Write [New Pelorean] (0%): 0%
   Perception: +7%
       Listen (25%): 29%
       Scan (25%): 28%
       Search (25%): 45%
       Track (10%):

   Agility: +7%
       Boat (5%): 15%
       Climb (40%):
       Dodge (5%): 25%
       Jump (25%):
       Ride (5%): 25%
       Swim (15%): 17%
       Throw (25%):
       Hide (10%):
       Sneak (10%):
   Magic: +7%

Ceremony (5%) 28% Magical Abilities

   Spirit Magic:
       Mobility 4
       Protection 2
       Speedart 1
       Silence 3
   Divine Magic:

Hit Points and Armour Location Name Armour types A.P. H.P. Enc. Melee Missile Head Ring+Leather 6 4 1.35 19-20 20 Left Arm Courboulli+Leather 4 3 .85 16-18 18-19 Right Arm Courboulli+Leather 4 3 .85 13-15 16-17 Chest Ring+Leather 6 5 2.7 12 11-15 Abdomen Ring+Leather 6 4 1.35 09-11 07-10 Left Leg Courboulli+Leather 4 4 1.7 05-08 04-06 Right Leg Courboulli+Leather 4 4 1.7 01-04 01-03

   Total Hit Points: 12 HP
   Total Armor ENC: 10.5

Weapons and Shields

   Attack Bonus: +8%
   Parry Bonus: +7%

Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc. Thrown Javelin 1D8 4/8 xx 59 xx 20/50 1.5 1H Spear 1D6+1 6 18 25 25 xx 1.5 Viking Round Shield 1D6 6 10 65 65 xx 4 Dagger 1D4+1 7 6 35 35 xx .5 Grapple xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

   Total Weapon ENC: 6


       Hummingbird Dart (magical bronze javelin that returns to hand)
       Viking Round Shield

       Set of scavenged, mismatched courboulli and ringmail armor
       copper bracelet
       canteen (2L)
       hooded cloak
       sack (10ENC)
       two crudely carved dice
       loose coinage (163L)
   A mule


   Small Parcel "This one must be delivered in all secrecy to a man who goes simply by the name Rat. He has many connections that are not appreciated by the authorities in the area. He will no doubt be a good connection for you. Unfortunately, I can't really give you a lot of direction on who to contact him. Keep you ear to the ground. I suspect he's an Orlanthi rebel, but I'm not sure. I believe he will spend much time in the vicinity of the city without actually being in New Pavis. Once again, I really don't know. The letter guaranteed that he will pay you 100 silver coins or reward you in double that in some other form. Once again, he'll make a good contact, but probably for a completely different line of work."

Pictures wide-bladed knife Soliferreum2.jpg example of shield style

- Main Page; The Prax Adventure