Sakura Stormborne
Sakura Stormborne
Character Sheet[edit]
Race: Tiefling
Class: Swashbuckler 7/Scarlet Corsair 2
BAB: +9/+6/+3
NADs: Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +2
St 14, Dx 20, Cn 12
In 18, Ws 10, Ch 11
Balance 10/+17 Bluff 12/+14 Climb 12/+14 Intimidate 10/+12 Jump 12/+16 Profession Sailor 4/+4 Sense Motive 12/+12 Tumble 12/+19 Use Rope 12/+17
Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Dodge, Mobility, Combat Acrobat^ (make Balance DC 20 check to remain standing after falling prone, Ignore 20’ of difficult terrain) Weapon Finesse^, Improved Feint^
- +2 Dx, In -2 Ch
- Darkvision 60’
- +2 Bluff and Hide
- Darkness 15’r 1/day
- Automatic languages: Common and Infernal
- Flaw: Distrusted (-2 Diplomacy checks, -2 vs Detect Lie and similar)
- Grace +1 (Adds to Ref save)
- Insightful strike (Add Int bonus to damage that sneak attack can affect)
- Canny Defense (Add Int bonus to AC if not wear armor or shield)
- Extra Dodge (Dodge feat again, can be applied to a different foe or stack)
- Acrobatic charge (Charge across difficult terrain)
- Sneak attack +1d6
Weapons and Armor[edit]
- Bracers of Armor +3
- Ring of Protection +2
- +2 Metaline Rapier (Can be whatever needed material)
- Boots of agile leaping (Use Dx is stead of St on Jump check. Also may stand as swift action without provoking Opportunity attack)
- Fiery Tunic resist fire 5 Fire Shield + flaming weapons 1/day for 5 rnds
Magical Items[edit]
Folding Boat