Elden Vane
Elden Vane, son and betrayer of the hated Wardon Kain and the possibly not hated vampire countess Blaise. Elden was raised to be a knight of Eru-Ume, that haunted city on the blighted coast. He had a pet bat-cat, Gu, once, before his father killed it in front of him to teach Elden a lesson. Wrong lesson learned. Elden gathered other wronged by Kain and formed a fellowship.
Character Sheet[edit]
Race: Half-Vampire
Class: Fighter
BAB: +9/+6/+3 (iterative attacks at -3, not -5)
NADS: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6
St 22, Dx 18, Cn 14
In 10, Ws 12, Ch 15
Climb 2/+8 Intimidate 12/+14 Handle Animal 5/+7 Jump 5/+11 Ride 10/+14 Swim 5/+11
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Shield Specialization Heavy (+1 AC), Shield Ward (Can use shield vs. Touch attacks and bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun and trip attempts), Improved Shield Bash, Agile Shield Fighter (attack with both weapon and shield at only -2), Weapon Focus Longsword, Weapon Specialization Longsword, Melee Weapon Mastery Slashing (+2 to hit and damage with all slashing weapons) Daunting Presence^ (Standard action to awe foe within 30’. If they fail Will save vs DC 17, shaken for 10 minutes.)
- +2 AC natural
- Slam attack 1d6
- Charm gaze: 30’ range, humanoids and monstrous humanoids, 9th level effect, DC 14+ CH bonus. Use standard action to gaze, once saved against, immune for 24 hrs.
- Damage reduction 5/silver or magic
- Fast healing 1 if under half HP
- Resist 5 cold & electricity
- +2 St, Dx, Ch
- +2 racial bonus to Bluff, hide, move silently, listen and spot.
- Improved Initiative
- LA +2
Flaws: Sun scorned (-2 vs. Light attacks), Deep sleeper (cannot wake wit out physical force before normal time)
Weapons and Armor[edit]
- +2 Bashing Heavy Steel Shield
- +1 Adamantine Full Plate
- +1 Vampiric Longsword (+1d6 damage to living things, heal same)
- Boots of Striding and springing
- Scarab, Golembane