Pavron, the Blind Herbalist

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Name: Pavron the Blind Herbalist

Description: Pavron has a natural nose for herbs and the elderly wisewoman quickly taught him to be able to feel the differences in similar smelling herbs. Despite his blindness Pavron is eager to travel to the Guild of Slayers with his younger half-sister Trax. He knows that with his hedge-magic and masterful knowledge of mixing salves he will be able to craft poisons for his sister's blades so they can assassinate the clinking, laughing monstrosity that killed the village wisewoman. While wandering in the woods in seach of a special herb to burn at the wisewoman's funeral Pavron stumbled upon a Cimmerian Golden Eagle with a wounded wing. He felt an instant and magical connection to the beast and spent all of his skill and Knowledge to heal it, and now the Eagle, named Areth, functions as his eyes as much as his sister Trax.

Attributes: AGI d4 SMA d8 SPI d10 STR d4 Vig d6

Skills: Healing d8 Knowledge (Occult) d6 Knowledge (Herbalism) d6 Fighting d4 Riding d6 Survival d6 Hedge Magic d8

Charisma: +0 Pace: 6 Parry: 4 (5 with Staff) Toughness: 5 Power Points 15 Proficiencies: Staff and dagger Powers (2): Elemental Manipulation (Fire, Water)

Edges: Hedge Magic - Arcane Background (Blind Edge) Beast Bond (Human Edge) Beast Master (Advance) Healer (Advance) (+2 Bonus to on all healing rolls, confered on up to 5 travel companions as well) Low Level Magic (Healing)

Hindrances: Enemy – Authorities (Major Used to boost SMA) Blind - -6 to physical involving sight, -2 to social (Points used to buy Low Level Magic healing Edge +Hedge Magic Arcane Background)

Gear: 215 Zamoran Stars Crude Wooden Staff Dagger