APCH:Trixxy Nixxie

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Trixxy Nixxie[edit]

Dwarven Decker


5 Attributes

4 Stuff

3 Skills

2 Race (Dwarf)

1 Essence


Brawn 1

Observation 3

Reflexes 1

Social 2






Etiquette (Street)

Knowledge (Elven Culture)



Battered old custom-built Sony CTY-360 ("Shitty-360") cyberdeck


  • HeadASplode FPS attack software - main weapon in Matrix combat; takes the form of Nyxandra Aerinaeith's signature chromed Ares Viper from the hit tridshow "Siversakhan Verespitish"
  • GlitzNGlamour 4.0 defense software - makes it harder for opponents to run programs against Nyxxie's persona; takes the form of a blinding, strobing light (set to a house beat, of course), with Nyxxie's persona as the mirrorball
  • Setec Astronomy decryption software - sensor utility which defeats scramble IC that may turn data into garbage as a defense mechanism; takes the form of whorls of stars, planets, comets, and assorted celestial bodies that Nyxxie's persona blows from her hand, infusing the IC with calming, orbiting stellar bodies while lullaby music plays.
  • HotMiso's EZ-PZ Japanesey sleaze program - masking utility which allows Nyxxie to bypass access, barrier, gray or black IC without leaving tracks; takes the form of a smoke capsule that, when thrown on the ground, cloaks Nyxxie's persona in the classic pop-culture black Ninja outfit.

Defiance EX Shocker (personal defense taser)

Synthetic Leather Jacket (Glopunk style)

Thermographic Vision

Speaks Sperethiel

Fake SIN: Trixie Tiluviel (used for clubbing and other social purposes; lists her age as 21)


Fixer: Tommy Panic

Media: Doubleplus Ungood, Corporate Politics Watchdog Blogger

Warez Dealer / Professional: Blackflag969, Reality Hacker

Underworld: Neon Eun-kyung, Ork BTL Dealer (Seoulpa Ring Member)

Street: Odakota "Kota" Whitecrow, Bartender at Underworld 93


Low self-esteem and mild body dysmorphic disorder; despite her upbeat and outgoing demeanor around others, Nyxxie has always been ashamed of her metatype expression, and wishes she were an Elf. She's become as much of an Elf Wannabe as she can manage with her physiology, short of getting surgical alterations. Her obsession with all things Elven has led her to become a fangirl of Tir Tairngire trid shows (while remaining doggedly in denial of their racist undertones). Her Matrix persona is Nyxandra Aerinaeith, the fictional protagonist of her favorite tridshow, "Siversakhan Verespitish". Her image of Dwarf culture is quite negative, based on elementary school bullying, caricatured media representation, and her own father's social dysfunctions.

Additionally, Nyxxie is a generally empathetic person, and as a result, leans hard toward pacifism. She actively avoids needless violence, and will not kill except in self-defense (and even then, as humanely as possible).


Everything Nyxxie (real name: Sabeen Al Diri) does is either in pursuit of her fandom of all things Elven, or to care for and protect her father, Balto, from the outside world he fears so much. Despite the tensions they have in their relationship, she loves her father very much and feels as though the "system" chewed him up and spit him out, robbing him of his self-confidence. Balto never really recovered from the loss of his wife, Nyxxie's mother, in a car accident. The company refused to cover the medical and funerary costs, claiming negligence on his wife's part, and laid him off when his performance at work dropped due to depression. After losing his job, Balto became a hikikomori, a shut-in, leaving his daughter to mostly fend for herself. She dropped out of school - which she'd always considered a waste of time, anyway - and learned to scavenge off the street for the parts she needed to improve her deck. No matter what happens, she isn't going to leave her father to the wolves of the world.


Gender: Female

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Syrian

Metatype: Dwarf

Height: 1.07m

Weight: 44.9kg

Relationship Status: Single/Available<<<Ask to jack in and lose a testicle.

Languages: English <<<I'm learning Sperethiel!

Hometown: Loveland, Seattle Metroplex, UCAS

Education: Self-Educated <<<Hai, I dropped outta high school, but I'm not dumb.

Religious Views: Agnostic <<<Null drek, I'm open-minded and I'm willing to talk about it if you wanna, but I don't do cults. If Anyone Out There's listening, shoot me a link!

Political Views: Neo-Anarchist <<<Adhocracy, here we come!

Favorite Tridshow: Siversakhan Verespitish <<<Nyxandra's my fave, if you couldn't guess from my name and quote. I HAVEN'T SEEN S4 LAST EP YET SO DON'T TALK ABOUT IT AROUND ME!

Personal Theme Song: "Strange Daze", Mercurial

Style Preference: DressCode, ME Metal for boots. <<<Screams Loveland Club-Girl, neh? Gonna get some biolume tats when I have the nuyen! Anyone got a good idea for designs?

CONCEPT Outgoing Dwarf clubkid decker and Elf wannabe