Personhood Tales: Faces
Shadows in the rain…but in Personhood, you better not drink the rain.
In Personhood
- Mr. Final, the former hardholder, now deceased
- Jute, skyblood parlor operator
- Henson, a skinner with a traveling puppet show
Maomao's People
- Maomao, a contender for new hardholder, used to keep Mr. Final's books.
Been's People
- Been, the other big contender for new hardholder, a real sly one.
- Cross, ex-lieutenant of Mr. Final, now Been's right hand, presumably bought off by same.
- Ik, a strangely good-looking, well-fed tough who carves the names of her conquests (all her conquests) in her club.
- Chin, a plain, nervous kid who looks like they're about to fall apart.
- Tum-Tum, who's fast with his pistols.
- Joe's Girl