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Lost Lands[edit]

Areas of Minatos were once part of Arcadia; conquered as spoils of war.

  • There was a sacred spring tucked deep in a thickly wooded valley that would heal any ailment if the proper offering was tossed down the stream that flows from it. For those who brought no offering, it would just be a normal pool, but those who offered insultingly spare sacrifices or sacrificed ill-gotten goods would suffer punishment instead.
  • Some of the finest vineyards in the region were nestled in the foothills overlooking the river Napas, and produced dark wines much valued for their bold, sweet flavor.
  • The village of Thirsus once thrived almost solely on being a waystation on the foot journey between Arcadia and Minotos. Even travelers who would not normally be finished their day's travels would stop there to pay respects and sacrifices at its lavish shrine of Hermerces, the trickster and traveler god, because those who did so would be blessed with much lower rates of banditry. It was rumored, but never spoken aloud in the village or on the road, that the highwaymen plaguing the road were actually initiates of the cult that served the shrine.