Children of the Atom
Children of the Atom Written by moi
As tensions between mutants and humans relations threatens to boil over, the government opens an isolated boarding school for mutant teenagers and young adults who, for whatever reason, are unable to handle the general populous. In reality, it's a cover for a top secret peace keeping force designed to stop human and mutant threats alike.
You play teenage/young adult mutants attending a private boarding school and the important people in their lives.
-A mutant who is an unusually young prodigy -A mutant who is mysterious and quiet, hiding a tragic secret -A mutant with great skill, but pacifist tendencies -A cocky or confident veteran from the first time this program was attempted -A mutant who knows about the program and has something to prove -A sociable mutant with more interest in love or friendship then the program itself -A mutant who grew up in town. -A mutant who can easily hide his/her abilities, and thus can pose as a human to avoid prejudice -A brilliant young scientist or engineer who developed a key part of the program -A mutant who is the son/daughter of one of the programs founders or a general or a politician, with inside knowledge but the weight of parental expectations and outside loyalties -A journalist (doesn't have to be mutant) who is filming a documentary of the school, who develops an attachment to a particular mutant or displays a hidden potential -Commander of the strike unit (could be a teacher or young adult) -Spy for a renegade group of mutants or a government splinter cell, undercover as one of the roles above
This is no ordinary boarding school.
Each of you has been sent here, either by choice or by the lack of options, to help you control you gifts (or curse depending on your point of view) in the general populous. Located in a rural suburb just outside a small town, you have been effectively isolated.
What fictional suburb is the school located? Name of town? What's in the town? What is the name of the Boarding School?
But in reality, you're here as part of a recruitment drive for a unit designed to stop the next level in terrorism, foreign or domestic, human or mutant. Some of you may already know about this. Some of you suspect something is up. Some of you are blissfully ignorant of it.
But all of you, in some way, shape or form, will eventually be a part of this unit. Lives will be placed on your young, inexperienced shoulders... as no-one else will be able to handle the threats that each of you will encounter...
What is the name of this unit? Is this the first generation, or have there been other failed teams?