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Ethaeros: A D&D 5e Campaign Setting

It is only the Second Dawning on the world of Ethaeros and the world still feels young. Prosperity flows like water from a spring, despite the shadows that have crept into the darker corners of the world. The Heroes of the Second Dawning have set their blades, spell books, and adventuring gear aside to rule the lands that they helped recover from the Second Evil. It has been a decade since those dark times and, though the movement of monsters and tyrants alike make all nervous, peace still holds in most of the world. Though true evil has not raised its head in an era, the world is still fraught with dangers. Goblins and their ilk still roam the less hospitable parts of the world, highwaymen still rob unfortunate merchants, powerful tyrants still lord over their people, and dragons still lair, coiled about their hordes protectively.
