- Delcion is the youngest son of his family and has had idle hands since childhood. While his older siblings assumed positions in the family business interests he turned to making jewelry, something he was good at and enjoyed. His father, however, forbade the practice and so Delcion turned to the underground to sell his product. Along the way he hung out with a small street gang and learned how the underground market actually worked. In hopes of turning his son around, Delcion´s father had him enlist in the city militia where he excelled as a skirmisher.
- Str: 14 || Con: 12 || Siz: 11 || Int: 15 || Dex: 14 || Pow: 12 || Cha: 12
- Action pts: || Dam mod: +xdx || Healing rate: || Luck pts: || Move: || SR:
- Experience mod:
- Magic pts:
- Passions
- 3 %
- 2 %
- 1 %
Standard Skills
- Athletics (str+dex) 81%
- Boating (str+con) 52%
- Brawn (str+siz) 50%
- Conceal (dex+pow) 77%
- Customs (int x 2) 80%
- Dance (dex + cha) 52%
- Deceit (int+cha) 79%
- Drive (dex+pow) 52%
- Endurance (con x 2) 48%
- Evade (dex x 2) 81%
- First Aid (int + dex) 58%
- Influence (cha x 2) 48%
- Insight (int + pow) 69%
- Language (native tongue) (int+cha) 74%
- Locale (int x 2) 60%
- Perception (int + pow) 79%
- Ride (dex + pow) 52%
- Sing (pow + cha) 48%
- Stealth (int+dex) 83%
- Swim (str+con) 52%
- Unarmed (str+dex) 56%
- Willpower (powx2) 68%
Professional Skills
- Acting (cha x2) 78%
- Acrobatics (str+dex)
- Art (pow+cha)
- Bureaucracy (int x2)
- Commerce (int+cha) 64%
- Courtesy (int+cha)
- Craft (Jewellery) (dex+int) 68%
- Culture (int x2)
- Disguise (int+cha) 69%
- Engineering (int x2)
- Gambling (int+pow)
- Healing (int+pow)
- Language (int+cha)
- Literacy (int x2)
- Lockpicking (dex x2) 56%
- Lore (???) (int x2) 70%
- Mechanism (dex+int) 58%
- Musicianship (dex+cha)
- Navigation (int+pow)
- Oratory (pow+cha)
- Seamanship (int+con)
- Sleight (dex+cha) 67%
- Streetwise (pow+cha) 63%
- Survival (con+pow)
- Teach (int+cha)
- Track (int+con)
Cults & Magic[edit]
- Magic Points: Max: Current:
- Crystal: Max: Current:
- Folk Magic (pow+cha) % +30
- Source of spells:
- Spells:
- Animism
- Binding (pow+cha) %
- Trance (pow+con) %
- Cult (rank):
- Fetish: Name (spirit type, fetish description) - what it does
- Theism
- Devotion (pow+cha) %
- Exhort (int+cha) %
- Cult (rank):
- Mysticism
- Meditation (int+con) %
- Mysticism (pow+con) %
- Cult (rank):
- Sorcery
- Invocation (int x2) %
- Shaping (int+pow) %
- Cult (rank):
Combat styles[edit]
- Unarmed (str+dex)
- Combat style Militia (str+dex) 81%
- Crossbow, Hand axe:
- Trait:
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | Size | reach | comb eff | mileu | AP/HP. | traits | Range | Enc. |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- Concealable Weapons Style (str+dex) 81%
- Knives, in hand or thrown:
- Trait:
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | Size | reach | comb eff | mileu | AP/HP. | traits | Range | Enc. |
Knife | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Hit locations & Armour[edit]
Location - Armour (Enc.) | A.P. | H.P. | Location |
Head - armour ( ) | - | - | 19-20 |
Left Arm - armour ( ) | - | - | 16-18 |
Right Arm - armour ( ) | - | - | 13-15 |
Chest - armour ( ) | - | - | 10-12 |
Abdomen - armour ( ) | - | - | 07-09 |
Left Leg - armour ( ) | - | - | 04-06 |
Right Leg - armour ( ) | - | - | 01-03 |
- Healing rate
- Armour Enc.:
- Armour / clothing notes:
Equipment & Money[edit]
- Equipment
- Money
Background & Notes[edit]
- Background:
- Notes:
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