Rifts Mercenaries
This is the page for Rifts Mercenaries!
Player Characters
Vaeradul the Great Horned Hatchling Dragon (played by Kael)
Raymond Guilder (played by Praxias)
Theodore Berryman the Ley Line Walker (played by Baeraad)
Important NPCs
Automatic Abilities
This is mostly for the GM's reference.
Sense Ley Lines
Vaeradul: 20 miles (general direction only, not exact location)
Theodore: 10 miles/level (exact location, 30% + 5%/level)
Sense Ley Line Nexus
Theodore: Anywhere along the current ley line (40% + 5%/level)
Sense Rift
Theodore: 50 miles + 10 miles/level (general direction, exact location if character on ley line)
Sense Dragons
Vaeradul: 20 miles
Sense Magic
Theodore: 100m per level (doesn't give direction, just tells him magic is being used)