Gnomes in Polesia
The origin of gnomes is a hotly debated topic amongst scholars of all sorts. None can come up with a theory that fully explains their nature and their relation to other hominids, which is evident from their ability to crossbreed with dwarves. However they also seem to show connections, like the elves, to the Dreamlands and the fey, as is evident in their emotions seeming to manifest physically and their propensity for illusory magic. The gnomes in every way seem a frustrating paradox, but while their origins are a mystery, their impact on the world at large is quite clear. Gnomes have fostered good relations with almost every race and within most governments, playing to their strengths and rather than fighting with their would be enemies they turn them into friends and from this they began a lucrative operation that shifted rapidly from diplomacy to trade.
While the gnomes have never had an empire in the conventional sense of elves, dwarves, and humans, they have rather started a great trade empire that spans the continents and extends right through borders. Some of the greatest gnome families wield a less obvious power, that is however no less tangible than that of the Emperor of Lattanis or the Amazhek of Radezhka, while lesser families have become indispensable go-betweens and merchants.
It is worth noting however, that while some gnomes do number amongst the seediest con artists, and have almost no qualms about what products they sell or who they sell it to, the majority of gnomes try to be as fair as possible while simultaneously acquiring the greatest profit possible. This is not necessarily due to benevolence but rather a desire to keep their various customers coming back for more, thus ensuring that today’s earnings, become tomorrow’s pensions. Gnomes are shrewd businessmen but shy away from bureaucracy like many of their human counterparts, keeping most of their business amongst their extended family or close associates, thus keeping things personal with everyone’s interests being more or less focused while being able to pursue individual goals at the same time.