Rifts Mercenaries/Kara Zeluf

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Kara Zeluf Catyr operator.

Kara stands at 6'5 with red skin and a short mop of gold hair.
She tries her best to seem as friendly as possible despite having been stranded on what she sees as a primitive backwater.
Although she prides herself on her adaptability she misses the amenities of a functioning civilisation.

Alignment: Scrupulous.
Horror factor 10


Language Trade one 98%
Language English 72%    
Basic Math 67%   
Computer Operation 52%   
Computer Repair 42%  
Electrical Engineer 57%  
Find Contraband 43%   
Jury-Rig 67%   
Mechanical Engineer 47% 
Pilot:Ground Hovercraft 67%    
Pilot: Hovercycles,Skycycles&Rocketbikes 82%   
Pilot: Jet Aircraft 57% 
Radio: basic 62%  
Sensory Equipment 52%  
Weapons Engineer 42%  
Combat Driving
Weapons Systems 52%  
Pilot: Military Tank 53%       
Vehicle Armourer 42%       
Basic Mechanics 62%    
Aircraft Mechanics 37%     
Military Fortification 42%     
Literacy Trade one 42%    
Body Building&Weight Lifting
Recycle 32%   
W.P. Blunt
W,P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Heavy MD weapons
HTH: Expert

Combat bonuses

Base five attacks
Kick attack
nat20 Knockout 
+6 Parry/dodge
+3 Roll with impact
+1 to strike with heavy/mounted weapons.
+2 Pull punch
5d6SDC restrained, 4d6MD normal, 1D4x10MD power punch.
+5 Strike
+1 To strike and parry with blunt.

Other abilities.

Jury Rig Repairs: 1/2time. 2Xduration.
Find parts and components: +20% to find appropriate goods, gets discount.
Recognise machine quality: special skill bas 58%
Repair and soup-up machines and vehicles: various bonuses.
Invulnerable to radiation
Can see ultraviolet. Night vision 200ft
Bio-regen 2d6mdc/hr
+3 save vs magic/poison
+12% save vs coma/death
+2 save vs fatigue/disease 


Taarlock Energy War Club (DB4) 3d6sdc/4d6Md; energy blast, vibro knife, stun prongs.
Large Wrench
H-10 Heavy laser pistol (DB2) 3d6+3
Vengeance V.L.C. (DB6) D6x10+6 MD; Variable
Medium Draygon Hide  (+10%MD) Base 100body, 80legs, 60arms, 75head; Laser resistant; fair mobility; full features; invisible to IR.
Portable toolkit with electric screwdriver+exchangeable heads
Large toolkit, soldering iron, laser torch, roll of duct tape, 2rolls electrical tape, pen flash-light, large flash-light, 12 flares, 60m lightweight rope, 2 knives, notebook, portable disk recorder, portable language  translator, protective goggles, work gloves, 2pairs thin doctors gloves, backpack, satchel, large sack, canteen, set of work clothes, overalls, utility belt, pair of goggles, canteen, air filter, pocket note pad, 2 pens
WR-2020 “Shark” Bullet Bike
WR-5050 Super cargo hauler APC. “Krenlizer”
7000creds in Black market saleable items.