My Little Mahou Shoujo:Alix Rook

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Alix Rook is a character in the My Little Mahou Shoujo game, played by Dawgstar


Alix's parents want the very best for their daughter. What that means in this case is championships, and in particular, martial arts championships. Lifelong practioniers themselves, for their dauhter Alix this has entailed training rarely seen outside shonen battle manga. Take the bus? Whyever for? It's only ten miles. Get up early and run it. The quicker you run it, the later you can wake up, so make sure to keep running it in a shorter time. Thus is the rationale for the Rook household. It's got its perks - always being picked first in gym, a certain cachet of being able to break wooden planks with your bare hands, abs you could do your laundry on - but it hasn't really meant much in the friend department.

Alix is popular enough... ish. Loud, sarcastic and funny, she's friendly with a lot of people but friends with about nobody. For one, she doesn't really have time for parties or social stuff. There's training to do, not dissimilar to that of a young Olympic hopeful. Also... she doesn't really know much aside from martial arts, and for those with similar interests, they're really just not on her level. When she talks about it, it sounds like she's bragging, but she's not. Well, much. So most people are content to get a few laughs with Alix at school and then let her go off and train under waterfalls after class or whatever it is she does.

Friends, Alix thinks sometimes, friends would be nice.

The multi-colored dyed hair? That's new. Alix plans to go pro in MMA when she graduates high school - even has talent scouts looking at her now! - but you've got to stand out if you want to get signed. Her parents don't care, long as she wins.


  • Self d10
  • Enemies d8
  • Friends d6


  • Five Different Black Belts
  • Heart Over Head
  • Confident, Not Cocky (But Kinda Cocky)


A Lifetime Of Training[edit]

  • Superhuman Strength d10
  • Superhuman Reflexes d10
  • Superhuman Stamina d8
  • SFX: "Gotta shake it off." Spend 1 PP to recover your physical stress or step back your physical trauma by -1.
  • Limit: Worn Out. Shut down any A Lifetime of Training power and gain 1 PP. Recover this power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.

Tigerhawk Greaves[edit]

  • Superhuman Durability d10
  • Flight d8
  • Damage d8
  • SFX: "I'll got your back!" Spend 1 PP to take physical stress intended for a nearby ally or friend.
  • Limit: Gear. Shut down Tigerhawk Greaves to get 1PP. Take an action against vs. the doom pool to recover.


  • Combat Master d10
  • Acrobatics Expert d8
  • Menace Expert d8


Element of Loyalty[edit]

  • 1 XP when you first use your Take the Hit SFX.
  • 3 XP when you allow another mahou shoujo to talk you out of a dangerous course of action.
  • 10 XP when you either sacrifice yourself for your allies or find you're the last mahou shoujo standing.

Scouted By The Pros[edit]

  • 1 XP when you take up an activity that involves significant time away from the rest of your team.
  • 3 XP when the demands of your chosen activity conflicts with your team responsibilities.
  • 10 xp when you either abandon your team for your chosen activity at a critical moment or abandon your chosen activity in order to help your team at a critical moment.