Tianxia Blood Silk & Jade:Hard Li Su-Chan
Hard Li Su-Chan
Jianghu Rank: 1
Refresh: 2
High Concept: Justice for hire
Trouble: Powerful people wants her dead
Phase One: Woman of the people
Phase Two: Prodigy of the Hidden Monkey Style... but she's not a master yet.
Phase Three: Aiko the Monkey
Great (+4) Athletics
Good (+3) Rapport, Fight
Fair (+2) Stealth, Notice, Contacts
Average (+1) Burglary, Chi, Physique, Provoke
Physical O O O
Mental O O
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _____________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Kung Fu:
Hidden Monkey
Form Aspect: To the Hidden Monkey practitioner, everything in the field of battle is part of it. Walls provide springboards and striking surfaces to shove or push an opponent into. Common objects become distractions, impediments, and even weapons. Even their opponents can be maneuvered and re-positioned to augment the Hidden Monkey’s acrobatic defenses and attacks. While others seeks to avoid or work around such obstacles, the Hidden Monkey stylist swings and capers effortlessly among them.
Forest Opens Path: If you use Athletics to overcome an obstacle with style, you may turn the obstacle into an advantage with a free invocation instead of taking a boost.
Monkey Dances in Moonlight: When succeeding on a defense with style, you may create a Distracting Movements advantage with a free invocation instead of taking a boost.
Leaves Like Razors: When invoking a situation aspect or environment-based advantage in a Fight attack, you add +2 Weapon Rating to that attack
Monkey Rolls Away: When invoking an aspect or advantage during a defense roll, gain 2 Armor Rating against the attack if it succeeds.
Slippery like a monkey: Gain a free invocation on any Athletic advantage created with style
Anything goes: Virtually anything can be a lethal weapon in your hands, as long as you can comfortably and casually lift it. You never need to spend a fate point in order to declare that an improvised weapon is close at hand, unless your surroundings have been deliberately prepared against this (such as a prison cell). That improvised weapon carries a +1 weapon rating.
Always mindful of the surroundings: +2 to Notice rolls when creating an advantage in a fight
First Phase: Woman of the people Daughter of a former constable, her father was framed for a crime he didn't commit. This was due to faulty eyewitness accounts of him harboring an escaped fugitive wanted by the feared General of Shadows. He was executed, but not before he made mysteriously convenient plans to spirit her away from the city. Since The General of Shadows was apparently after someone else, Su-Chan escaped, but soon the caravan she was in was attacked by bandits. Everyone was killed and Su-Chan herself fell off a cliff and was left for dead in the raging river below.
Thought dead, she returned to the public view years later, revealing that she spent the last few years in the forests bordering the nomadic tribal lands. It was here that she begun the fight for the people against the General of Shadows and anyone else who may be part of the corrupt bureaucracy surrounding him.
Since finding a legitimate job was out of the question, she also decided to make a living off of it. She is hardly unscrupulous, as she takes anything (Food, housing for a time, equipment repair or medical assistance for example) if her contractor is unable to pay with coin. Her only requirement is that the job is just. No killing, no stealing from the less fortunate, and Rule Numero Uno: No Names (the no names part she added because it sounds cool).
Her name (and her rules) has stretched a great deal. Her deeds are known, and often this is enough for a stranger (especially one who empathizes with her fight) to give her aid or help. she also is an inspiration behind those who choose to fight against injustice.
Second Phase: The prodigy of the Hidden Monkey Style... but she's not a master yet.
But where has she been all these years?
Her body was found by the pet of a nomadic barbarian who lived in the forest and communed with the nomadic tribes in the outlands. Master Silver Monkey Liu Shin nursed her back to health... and in discovering that she had nothing to go back to (though Su-chan suspected there might be another reason), Liu Shin trained her in the art of Hidden Monkey.
It wasn't easy going, however due to the loss of her father and possibly her first love (Wu Xan), she was emotionally empty. It was Liu Shin's intent, then, to cultervate that emptiness so that it ould be a weapon she can use to once again be in touch with the world.
Liu Shin taught Su-Chan to see the world outside her own pain. So, she lost her father... there are people who have lost entire families. So, she was homeless... there are people who never had a home to begin with. In short, Su-Chan learned perspective... and with it, she became one of Liu-Shin's greatest students... though he would be slow to admit it.
As the young girl became a young woman, Liu Shin gave Su-Chan one final task, a task his master gave him that lead to him living in the forest:
"Su-Chan, to be a true master of the Hidden Monkey, you must Master the world. To master the world, you must find yourself. To find yourself, you must master the world. Now go. No more do I have to teach you."
What the heck did that mean!? Even now, Su-Chan has o clue where to start in cracking that cryptic instruction... and due to that... she is stuck when it comes to improving her understanding of Hidden Monkey.
Third Phase: Aiko the Monkey
Aiko is a female monkey who is half pet/half nuisance to Liu Shin. It was Aiko that lead the master to Su-Chan's body n the river bank that fateful day. Needless to say, Su-Chan owes the monkey her life. When she left the home of Liu Shin, Aiko followed her and to this day, Su-chan is unable to fathom whether the monkey followed her (Aiko and Su-Chan grew close during her stay in Liu Shin's hut), or whether she was sent. If she was sent, why?
Regardless, the monkey has been helpful several times. Often, he as been the eyes in the back of her head, the spy that warned her of secrets she should be aware of, and a jiminy cricket when she sometimes forget that she shouldn't be as ruthless as the man she is hunting.