Philnes the Spiritual

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A character in the Iron Age of Imladril B/X Campaign.

Philnes the Spiritual

  • Alignment Class 0-level
  • XP: 0/Whatever
  • Backstory: 50 word maximum.


  • STR 7
  • INT 12
  • WIS 9
  • DEX 8
  • CON 8
  • CHA 6


  • HP: 2
  • AC: 4
  • Attack: Mace (1d6)
  • Movement:
  • Treasure-bearing movement:
  • Saves:
    • Death Ray or Poison
    • Magic Wands
    • Paralysation or Petrification
    • Dragon Breath
    • Rod, Stave, or Spell:

Racial Abilities


  • A large sack holding fourteen man-days of iron rations. He also bears a stout oaken barrel stave that might, in a pinch, serve as an improvised club.
    • Mace
    • Sling + 30 bullets
    • 1 week standard rations
    • Backpack
    • Tinderbox
    • Four flasks of oil
    • Six torches
    • Holy Symbol
    • 12 iron spikes
    • Chain + shield
    • Vellum with prayers on it. a jar of ink, a few quill pens, some loose paper, a large sack.