- Main Page; The Lost City
- Neutral Thief Level 1
- XP: 0/1200 (+10%)
- Backstory: 50 words max
- STR 9
- INT 14 +1 language
- WIS 10
- DEX 17 +2 to hit ranged attacks, -2AC, +1 to reaction
- CON 11
- CHA 16 +1 to reaction tests, max 6 retainers morale 9
- HP: 4
- AC: 5
- Attack: Sword 1d8; Dagger 1d4; Long Bow +2 to hit 1d6 Range 70/140/210
- Movement: 30/60/30
- Treasure-bearing movement: 20/40/20
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison
- Magic Wands
- Paralysation or Petrification
- Dragon Breath
- Rod, Stave, or Spell:
Class Abilities
- Backstab: Thieves gain a +4 to hit foes unnoticed. Additionally, they deal double-damage.
- Open Locks: % The ability to open a lock without destroying it or applying brute force to it. Only one attempt is allowed on a given lock for a thief until that thief has gained a level.
- Find/Remove Traps: % The ability to find and remove well disguised traps. Only one attempt is allowed per trap.
- Pick Pockets: % The ability to pick another person's pocket. If the roll is greater than double the listed percentage, then the target notices the attempt.
- Move Silently: % The ability move silently, even when it would not normal be possible. (Note: this is an extraordinary skill. Everyone can move quietly when attempting it. The thief can go above and beyond the normal.)
- Climb Steep Surfaces: % The ability to climb steep surfaces without the aid of specialized climbing equipment.
- Hide in Shadows: %
- Hear Noise: 1-2/6