OrionsArm:Main Page

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Orion's Arm is a transhumanist science fiction setting that has been referred to in a number of RPG settings. You could use it for any one you wanted however, I'm just here to show one possible arrangement. The wiki pages will be moved elsewhere later.


vec - Any robotic sophont with S0.3 or human-level intelligence
sophont - A sentient being. Further distinctions are made at lower levels.
sapient - Has human-level S0.3 intelligence.
baseline - Unmodified, Old-Earth human. Very rare in OA setting.
nearbaseline - Close to baseline intelligence. Still the majority in OA.
cyborg - Any intermediate between nearbaseline humans (completely biological) and vecs (completely technological). Bioborgs are enhanced with biological systems and nanoborgs use nanomachines.

Types of Creature

Presapient - Below human-level intelligence.
Modosophont - of or similar to human-level intelligence.
Transapient - higher than S1 being. Some modosophonts ascend to this level.
Archailect - The highest of the high. Worshipped as gods.
Xenosophonts - Alien beings of any intelligence level.

More info to be added.