The Enemy Without/Rolf Von Metternich

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Revision as of 09:48, 16 January 2015 by JerekKruger (talk | contribs)
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Name: Rolf von Metternich

Class: Imperial Noble

Race: Human

Battle Level: 1

Wounds: 13

Move: 4

Weapon Skill: 4

Ballistic Skill: 4+

Strength: 3

Toughness: 3

Initiative: 5

Attacks: 1

Willpower: 3

Pinning: 5+

Luck: 0

Damage Dice: 1D6


Duellist - if the Noble hits with his rapier, even if he does no damage, he may attack again.


Rapier - causes damage dice + 1 damage

Duelling Pistol - hits by rolling over the number of squares between the Noble and his target. Causes 1D6 + 6 damage. Takes one turn to reload.

Ancient Heirloom: Orcs and Goblins fear the Noble, suffering -1 on their to hit rolls against him.

Current Wounds, Luck etc.

Current Wounds: 13

Current Luck: 0