Local Beliefs

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The Hundred Sects of the Child of Light.

Imagine a monotheistic Church where a child of god showed up every third generation and made a whole pile of decrees, prophesies and philosophical points before dying at 12.

With over a hundred saints, prophets and champions worshipped individually, apart from the different orders and sects for each new 'Bearer of the light', the Churches of the Child of Light are everywhere, in one form or another.

They are the famous lawful clerics who only bear blunt arms, can drive undead before them, etc.

St Cuthbert is one of the orders of the church, if you choose to remain with him.


With the usual range of suspects. You can choose a particular god from one of the established settings, and they'll be part of a small pantheon, usually sacred to one group/culture. Most 'Gods' in this world are more like B/X immortals rather than creation wielding innate aspects of forever...not that you'll hear them say that. They will pop up in odd places, far from where they were established, as some lone cleric rises to power and raises temples.

Many clerics of individual gods forgo the power to turn undead and learn to master all weapons. Some use only the ceremonial weapons of their deity and retain their power over the unliving.

The Old Way

Or the Mothers Way. Strictly Neutral, the old way is the path of druids, witches, wizards and warlocks. Most species and cultures have some form of Nature worship, often mixed with ancestor gods.

There are also philosophies, such as the Nine worlds, the Middle Path, the Six-Cloaks...all philosophical attempts to understand the nature of reality and the divine.

Lastly, there are those who swear to the three powers of Law, Chaos or The Balance, eschewing other divine belief. All three are considered fanatic by most, dangerous by many.