Cabin Fever

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One of the worst problems faced by a crew isn’t cannon fire or pirates but the sheer boredom of life on the water. Most of a sailor’s time isn’t spent taking part in swashbuckling adventures—it’s spent swabbing the decks, splicing ropes, or mending sails. Discipline is usually quite fierce onboard as well. Most captains don’t allow gambling or drunkenness (it tends to cause deadly fights). That’s why sailors tend to spend so much of their hard-earned (or ill-gotten) booty in port taverns or brothels. All characters automatically gain one level of Fatigue after every 30 days spent at sea. The crew never becomes Incapacitated due to Cabin Fever, but when that state would otherwise be met, the sailors might start whispering mutinous thoughts.

Hiring a ships musician and providing extra Rum rations and can increase the time between fatigue checks by 15 days.