A character in the Barrowmaze Labyrinth Lord Campaign.
- Alignment Magic-User 1
- XP: 1,327/2,501
- Backstory: TBD by the DM?
- 13 STR (+1 to hit, dmg)
- 13 DEX (-1 AC, +1 missile to hit, +1 initiative)
- 12 CON
- 10 INT
- 11 WIS
- 11 CHA
- HP: 2/2
- AC: 7/7
- Attack: THAC0 18 (includes +1 STR/DEX bonus)
- Movement: 120'/40'
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- 13 Death Ray or Poison
- 13 Magic Wands
- 13 Paralysation or Petrification
- 16 Dragon Breath
- 14 Rod, Stave, or Spell:
Class Abilities
Guardmage - Can wear leather armor.
Equipment (34 lbs)
- Leather armor (15 lbs)
- Dagger (1 lb, on belt)
- Sling (on belt)
- Belt pouch
- Bullets x10 (10 lbs, in pouch)
- Backpack (8 lbs)
- Lantern (hanging off pack)
- Oil flask x4
- Trail rations x7
- Waterskin
- Spellbook
Read Magic
Sleep (mem)