Torgo the Tall
A character in the Barrowmaze Labyrinth Lord Campaign.
- Neutral Halfling 5
- XP: 22,001 (needs 32,501 for 6th level)
- Backstory: Torgo is a halfling tribesman in search of wealth and adventure.
- STR: 13 (+1)
- DEX: 17 (+2)
- CON: 9
- INT: 8 (-1)
- WIS: 12
- CHA: 7 (-1)
- HP: 22
- AC: -2 (Plate Armor +1, Shield +1, DEX 17)
- Attack:
- Movement: 48.7 lbs
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison: 6
- Magic Wands: 7
- Paralysation or Petrification: 8
- Dragon Breath: 10
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 10
Racial Abilities[edit]
- Plate Armor +1 (25 lbs)
- Shield +1 (5 lbs)
- Sword (Long) +1/+3 vs. dragons: Risglaeder, the Wyrm-Slayer (4 lbs)
- Dagger, Silver (1 lb)
- Dagger (1 lb)
- Shortbow (2 lbs)
- Quiver and Arrows (20) (3 lbs)
- Backpack (8 lbs)
- 4 Flasks Holy Water
- 1 Holy Symbol (Silver)
- 1 Pint Lamp Oil
- 1 Grappling Hook
- 8 Torches
- Wolfsbane (1 fistful)
- 1 Spade
- 50' Rope (Silk)
- Flint and Steel
- 7 days of preserved rations
- Unusual Items
- One Scroll of Charm Person (0.1 pounds)
- One Scroll of Mirror Image (0.1 pounds)
- One Potion of Healing (0.5 pounds)
- Pouch (no ENC if the equivalent of 20 coins or less is carrried)
- 16 gold pieces
*Total Weight: 48.7 lbs
- Halfling Pony
- Saddle (25 lbs)
- Saddle Bag (0.5 lbs)
Items in Town[edit]
- 307 gold pieces hidden under mattress