Kingdom of the blind:Drune

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While Drune is entirely within the continent it is a distinctly different region both geographically and socially therefore warrants a separate entry.


Drunish rule is roughly summarised as a collection of independent Lords who have tenuous standing agreements between them and their people. The vast majority of the population live in serfdom under their lords who in turn, offer them use of their land and protection. The population..

xxxx (Lords)[edit]

Rule, inheritence or blood, or taken


Magic is revered and held above all else except perhaps the Lords. Most lords keep a sorcerer, warlock or in some cases conclave of magic users to do their bidding. Sorcerers are primarily kept for their powers in warfare - the stronger the magic presence the more powerful the lord is considered. Battles are won and lost by the actions of Warlocks whose powers can devastate the heavily armoured Noughts. Their powers are also turned towards settling disputes, predicting the future, influencing climates, cropping, influencing others and a myriad of everyday practical uses. Warlocks often find themselves in a powerful role at the right hand of a ruler as an advisor and 2IC. The ritualised ways of warlocks lend them a religious following by some.

use their powers for warfare Akin to bishops in feudal age, control magic use magic for power, also for getting things done

Nought (Knight)[edit]

The warrior class. It is not typical for the average person to be trained in weaponry let alone own any. This makes Noughts a particularly powerful force to be reckoned with. Trained, armoured and mounted Noughts make mincemeat of those unfortunate enough to get in their way.

Noughtdom is earned from an order through years of services and by completing a series a quests or challenges. The challenges and quests vary between every order.

Noughts are ultimately answerable to their order but in reality are given a lot of free reign. Often groups of Noughts will serve their liege Lord.

Order of the ...[edit]


These warriors are not of the standing to be Noughts but can at times form a useful part of a Loard's army. They tend to be experts in woodcraft and survival and although not disciplined, skilled and tactical in combat. Bands of corsairs roam under Outlaw Chiefs serving their own ends. Some noble, but more often not. Corsairs will turn mercenary for the right price or if threatened correctly.


Those subdued by spellcraft, enchantment, or chemical means who serve in a Lord's army. They are often criminals, prisoners of war or captive slaves. They form the front line as disposable soldiers. They are more popular in the west of Drune particularly house XX..


Noble houses of mention:


Magic is kept tightly controlled by both the warlocks who use it and the ruling class. In most instances it is forbidden for anyone to use magic - except the warlock. In this way magic is tightly controlled and made more powerful by its scarcity. It can be punishable by death to be found with magical apparatus or anything associated with the learning or practice of magic. Some rules will turn a blind eye to more mundane magical items.


The ruling class enjoy the privilege of magic and having it at their beck and call, but are ever fearful that the warlocks will become too powerful. this is why the number of magic users is kept to a minimum and they are closely watched.

Warlocks tend to lust for power and enjoy the monopoly they hold. they fear should the common man ever threaten to replace them.

Most of the populace fear magic and its users, and rightly so.


Some of the populace covet magic for themselves. There are even those that seek out the arts and attempt to learn them in secret.


Some want rid of it entirely and would sooner see all magic destroyed as a means of rebalancing the powers.

Swords and Dysentery[edit]

Both are rife, weapons are rare for normal people armour rarer this makes knights deadly disease is too


Mountains, marshes, deserts

Blight Marsh[edit]

50 experience points! + 1 per word (max 100)


50 experience points! + 1 per word (max 100)


50 experience points! + 1 per word (max 100)


50 experience points! + 1 per word (max 100)

The Earth Scar[edit]

50 experience points! + 1 per word (max 100)

Black wastes[edit]

50 experience points! + 1 per word (max 100)


50 experience points! + 1 per word (max 100)